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Last active October 11, 2021 18:49
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// my project is built with a framework I built called Manifest.JS, almost every file looks just like this:
// creates a webpage element, the first two arguments are all you need to understand to complete this work:
const elem = new Element('div', settingsObj)
// to decide what happens in the element, settingsObj looks like this and every property is optional (empty settings would create an empty element):
name: 'hi', // helps debugging, just a name
traits: {
foo: 'bar' // properties within the traits object are passed down to all child elements
text: 'hello world', // text content
styles: {
'color': 'red'
// there are more setting properties but you don't need to worry much about them, and they should be self-evident
// the onnly property you need to care about is this one:
ready: self => {
// once this element is created, what happens next? whatever you put here does
// for example, maybe we want a child element
self.append(new Element('div', {
text: 'hi again'
ready: self => {
// just to demonstrate what I said above about traits being inherited by any appended children:
console.log( // => 'bar'
// but as I go on, I need to separate these settings into separate files. See next comment:
// this time, instead of passing one settings object, we pass an array of two which will both apply to the object.
// don't worry about how they merge, assume it's magic. Your job is to take a big file separate it into smaller files like this:
// manifest/something1/piece1.js
// instead of writing this code in one big file, we create a module export, like this:
module.exports = {
text: 'piece1',
ready: self => {
self.append(new Element('div', {
text: 'foo'
// then in the "parent" file, we use the exported settings like this:
const piece1 = require('./piece1.js')
const elem1 = new Element('div', [piece1, {
// piece 1 is the template, but we can use this second settings object to overwrite
// and customize an instance of the blueprint
styles: {
color: 'red'
const elem2 = new Element('div', [piece1, {
// a different version
styles: {
color: 'blue'
// the rest fo this is just full size example like what you'll be modifying:
new Element('div', [{
name: 'app-wrapper',
styles: {
'width': '100vw',
'height': '100vh',
'background-color': '#0e0f13',
'color': '#FFFFFF'
traits: {
ready: self => {
//const placementGrid = self.append(new Element('div', [grid, {
self.append(new Element('div', {
name: 'decor-box',
styles: {
'background-color': 'rgb(0 2 6 / 23%)',
'box-shadow': '0px 0px 55px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%) inset',
'opacity': '0.25',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': '-1950px',
'top': '200px',
'width': '8000px',
'height': '8000px',
'transform': 'rotate(45deg)'
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