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Created August 8, 2011 21:25
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majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ ruby -v 1 ↵
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0]
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ bpm -v
bpm (v1.0.0.beta.12) - the browser package manager
bpm add [PACKAGE] # Add one or more packages to a bpm project
bpm debug [OPTION] # Display various options for debugging. build - Shows all project build settings repair - Verify and repair project
bpm fetch [PACKAGE] # Fetch one or many bpm packages to local cache
bpm fetched [PACKAGE] # Display locally fetched bpm packages
bpm help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
bpm init [PATHS] # Configure a project to use bpm for management
bpm list # List BPM Packages
bpm login # Log in with your BPM credentials
bpm owner # Manage users for a package
bpm pack [PACKAGE] # Build a bpm package from a package.json
bpm preview # Preview server that will autocompile assets as you request them. Useful for hacking
bpm push PACKAGE # Distribute your bpm package
bpm rebuild # Rebuilds bpm assets, does not update versions
bpm remove [PACKAGE] # Remove one or more packages from a bpm project
bpm unpack [PACKAGE] # Extract files from a bpm package
bpm yank # Remove a specific package version release from
-V, [--verbose] # Show additional debug information while running
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ bpm list
spade (
jquery (1.6.2)
sproutcore-metal (2.0.beta.2.pre)
sproutcore-runtime (2.0.beta.2.pre)
sproutcore-views (2.0.beta.2.pre)
sproutcore-touch (2.0.beta.2.1.pre)
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○
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