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// ViewController.swift
// DiffableDataSourcePlayground
// Created by Majd Taby on 5/7/23.
import UIKit
import IdentifiedCollections
import SwiftUI
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal pane "Displays"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "System Preferences"
Total pre-main time: 401.27 milliseconds (100.0%)
dylib loading time: 40.11 milliseconds (9.9%)
rebase/binding time: 180.47 milliseconds (44.9%)
ObjC setup time: 49.95 milliseconds (12.4%)
initializer time: 130.65 milliseconds (32.5%)
slowest intializers :
libSystem.B.dylib : 34.56 milliseconds (8.6%)
libBacktraceRecording.dylib : 9.44 milliseconds (2.3%)
pop : 34.05 milliseconds (8.4%)
Darkroom : 49.58 milliseconds (12.3%)
jtaby /
Created December 9, 2011 18:55

Until [PRODUCT NAME], practically every Web-based application was a pale imitation of that same application running [NATIVELY]. Web-based applications had the advantage that they were accessible from any computer on the Internet on professionally managed servers, that the data was backed up, and that the applications themselves were constantly updated. But compared to applications running on your local [SMARTPHONE], the web versions had fewer features and performed more slowly. Most usersbusinesses and consumers alike were unwilling to make that compromise.”

Roy Bostock, Chairman of the Yahoo! Board, said, “The Board sees enormous growth opportunities on which Yahoo! can capitalize, and our primary objective is to leverage the Company’s leadership and current business assets and platforms to execute against these opportunities. We have talented teams and tremendous resources behind them and intend to return the Company to a path of robust growth and industry-leading innovation. We are committed to exploring and evaluating possibilities and opportunities that will put Yahoo! on a trajectory for growth and innovation and deliver value to shareholders.”

scale: 1,
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
top: document.body.scrollTop,
left: 0,
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight
}, animationDuration * 3, easing, function() {
var MyApp = SC.Application.create({
doubleScale: function() {
halfScale: function() {
translateDown: function() {
classNames: ['foobar'],
didInsertElement: function() {
this.$().html('<div class="not-pressed">not pressed</div>')
touchMove: function(evt){
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ ruby -v 1 ↵
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0]
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ bpm -v
bpm (v1.0.0.beta.12) - the browser package manager
bpm add [PACKAGE] # Add one or more packages to a bpm project
bpm debug [OPTION] # Display various options for debugging. build - Shows all project build settings repair - Verify and repair project
majd in ~/github/touch_test ○ bpm rebuild -u
Fetching packages from remote...
Building static assets...
~ Using fetched package 'jquery' (1.6.2)
~ Using fetched package 'spade' (
~ Using fetched package 'sproutcore-metal' (2.0.beta.2.pre)
~ Using fetched package 'sproutcore-runtime' (2.0.beta.2.pre)
~ Using fetched package 'sproutcore-touch' (2.0.beta.2.1.pre)
~ Using fetched package 'sproutcore-views' (2.0.beta.2.pre)
~ Using fetched package 'uglify-js' (