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Created September 23, 2013 19:28
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Example Laravel Guardfile
# Given an array of files, they will be concatenated in order. Do no add the file extension, only the name.
# %w(bootstrap/bootstrap.min, profile, application)
guard :concat, type: "js", files: %w(bootstrap/bootstrap.min profile application), input_dir: "public/js", output: "public/js/scripts.min"
# Compass will read from the main config.rb file
guard :compass
# Refresh the browser on save
guard 'livereload' do
guard :phpunit, :all_on_start => false, :tests_path => 'app/tests/', :cli => '--colors -c phpunit.xml' do
# Run any test in app/tests upon save.
# When a view file is updated, run tests.
# Tip: you probably only want to run your integration tests.
watch(%r{app/views/.+\.php}) { Dir.glob('app/tests/**/*.php') }
# When a file is edited, try to run its associated test.
# Save app/models/User.php, and it will run app/tests/models/UserTest.php
watch(%r{^app/(.+)/(.+)\.php$}) { |m| "app/tests/#{m[1]}/#{m[2]}Test.php"}
module ::Guard
class MyJsMin < Guard
require 'jsmin'
# Minify the scripts.min.js file when it changes
guard :myjsmin do
watch('public/js/scripts.min.js') do |m|
js =[0])[0], 'w') { |file| file.write(JSMin.minify(js)) }
# This will minify the combined javascript file
# It has a looping problem when used with live reload so for now we will use the jsmin solution above
# guard 'uglify', :destination_file => "content/assets/js/script.min.js" do
# watch ('content/assets/js/script.min.js')
# end
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