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Created February 25, 2018 02:50
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Toggle Eagle Eye Networks analytics on an esn from a master account user using the API
This script till toggle the analytics feature on an esn in a tenant account.
To disable the analytics, you must delete the 'active_application' settings in
the user settings of the camera. In order to re-enable the feature, you must
add the settings back to the 'active_settings'. To accomplish this, we must
store the settings somewhere in the camera settings so that when we want to
enable we can copy the settings from somewhere. This script uses
'inactive_application' to hold the settings for us. You may choose another
name if you like.
import json
import requests
from pprint import pprint
from requests.cookies import cookiejar_from_dict
# ====== SETUP ======
# Define the camera to be managed
esn = "100c44ce" # Camera to manage
tenant_account = "00010606" # Tenant account the esn belongs to
host = "" # host base url
# For simplicitly, we'll assume you know how to get your sessions id
# either get your cookie from an authenticated session OR
# follow the auth API.
master_account_session_id = "c001~09...3e8" # Authed token
# === Setup Done =====
session = requests.Session()
session.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(dict(videobank_sessionid=master_account_session_id, auth_key=master_account_session_id))
# Get into the tenant account
resp ="{}/aaa/switch_account".format(host), data={'account_id': tenant_account})
print "Switch Account {}: [{}]".format(tenant_account, resp.status_code)
# Get device information
print "Collecting {} settings ....".format(esn)
resp = session.get("{}/device?id={}&include_aggregate=True&is_cloud_only=0".format(host, esn))
# Manage the VA Application
# Get the active application settings
app_settings = resp.json().get('camera_parameters', {}).get('user_settings', {}).get('settings', {}).get('active_application', {})
old_app_settings = resp.json().get('camera_parameters', {}).get('user_settings', {}).get('settings', {}).get('inactive_application', {})
if app_settings:
print "Analytics are currently enabled... DISABLING"
add_setting = {'settings': {'inactive_application': app_settings}}
del_setting = {'settings': {'active_application': {'eenivi': None}}}
print "Analytics are currently disabled.. ENABLING"
add_setting = {'settings': {'active_application': old_app_settings}}
del_setting = {'settings': {'inactive_application': None}}
resp ="{}/device".format(host), data={'id': esn, 'camera_settings_add': json.dumps(add_setting), 'camera_settings_delete': json.dumps(del_setting)})"{}/aaa/switch_account".format(host), data={})
print "Back in master account"
# For reference you'll be working on the 'active_application' json
# located at 'camera_parameters/user_settings/settings' in the camera settings payload
'active_application': {
'eenivi': {
'features': {
'intrusion-1': { <---- Intrusion is active
'ns': 103,
'regions': {
'500170420023818.000': {
'id': u'500170420023818.000',
'level': [u'1'],
'mode': [u'all'],
'name': u'New Region',
'objectclass': [u'any'],
'objectsize': {u'maxh': 0.5,
u'maxw': 0.5,
u'minh': 0.1,
u'minw': 0.1},
'poly': [[0.614,
'sensitivity': 0.8,
'throttle_hour_limit': 100,
'throttle_seconds': 900,
'throttle_type': 1,
'when': u'work',
'who': [u'ca0a5e02']}}},
'linecross-1': {
'lines': {
'501210804075419.000': {
'alert_on_in': False,
'alert_on_out': False,
'id': u'501210804075419.000',
'line': [[0.1,
'line_type': u'crossing', <----- crossing is installed
'name': u'New Line',
'objectclass': [u'any'],
'vector': u'up'},
'501210806185659.000': {
'id': u'501210806185659.000',
'line': [[0.1,
'line_type': u'counting', <------ counting is installed
'name': u'New Line',
'objectclass': [u'any'],
'vector': u'up'}},
'ns': 101},
'object-1': {
'ns': 102,
'objectsize': {u'maxh': 0.5,
u'maxw': 0.5,
u'minh': 0.1,
u'minw': 0.1},
'sensitivity': 0.8}},
'log_level': 3}},
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