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Last active July 26, 2022 19:40
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logger for JS - built up after several node projects
const winston = require('winston');
const { join, basename, dirname } = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const logform = require('logform');
// const { MESSAGE } = require('triple-beam'); // prop for info in winston formater to expose the shown message
function filterMessagesFormat(filterFunc = () => true) {
const formatFunc = (info) => {
if (filterFunc(info.message)) return info;
return null;
const format = logform.format(formatFunc);
format.transform = formatFunc;
return format;
module.exports = function createLoggerForWinston3(callingModule, logMessageFilterFunc = () => true) {
* Returns the name of the parent dir and the basename (file name)
* e.g.: input: callModule.filename = '/home/user/james/file.js'
* returns: 'james/file.js'
* @returns {string}
function getDirnameAndBasename() {
if (!callingModule || !callingModule.filename) return 'no-module or filepath given';
return join(basename(dirname(callingModule.filename)), basename(callingModule.filename));
const myFormat = winston.format.combine(
winston.format.label({ label: getDirnameAndBasename() }),
const loggerFilePath = join(__dirname, 'logs/app.log');
const options = {
level: process.env.LOGGING_LEVEL || 'info',
format: myFormat,
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
format: winston.format.combine(
handleExceptions: false,
new winston.transports.File({
maxsize: 5e7, // 50 MB
maxFiles: 5,
filename: loggerFilePath,
handleExceptions: false,
exitOnError: false,
if (!fs.existsSync(dirname(loggerFilePath))) fs.mkdirSync(dirname(loggerFilePath));
return winston.createLogger(options);
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