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Last active August 3, 2018 20:35
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incremental development of a script to tokenize DigltalNyssa
# Opens the file with the given filename for reading and puts the resultant
# file object in the variable `f`.
f = open("OCR Output linebreaks removed.txt")
# `` reads the file and returns a string.
# `.split()` splits that string on whitespace and returns a list of strings.
# `for A in B:` iterates over the list B and runs the indented block with each
# list item in the variable A.
for token in
# in this case, each list item is put in the variable `token` and we just
# print it on a line of its own.
# Technically, this is redundant as Python will close the file at the end of
# the script anyway. This is more important to do when writing files to make
# sure that writing to disk actually finishes.
# Note this is printing to STDOUT so if you want the result in a file, you'll
# want to do something like `python3 > output.txt`. We _could_
# hardcode that output to a file of a particular name in this script but
# writing to STDOUT puts more flexibility in the hands of the user of the
# script in what they want to do with the output.
# We'll see an improved way of opening files in
# This time, we're going to use a `with` statement that will take care of
# certain things like file closing for us.
# This is the same as our earlier `f = open(...)` except that it executes
# the indented code that follows in a special context that knows what to do
# when it's finished or if there's an error.
with open("OCR Output linebreaks removed.txt") as f:
for token in
# For the most part, this is the same as the previous script but is a little
# more idiomatic Python (in a good sense of "idiomatic", i.e. it's how the
# locals talk).
# Okay, now let's strip off punctuation and make sure we're normalizing to
# Unicode Normalization Form C. Maybe the input file was already normalized
# but there's no harm (other than a fraction of a second of extra work) to
# do it here to be sure.
# Unicode normalization is done via `normalize` in the `unicodedata` module
# so need to import it first.
import unicodedata
with open("OCR Output linebreaks removed.txt") as f:
for token in
# `.strip()` will strip any of the given characters from the start
# or end of the string and return a new string without them. Note that
# I'm deliberately not stripping middle-dot in order to make a point
# later on!
token = token.strip(".,")
# Now let's normalize it to NFC
token = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", token)
# If you look at the output, you'll notice we didn't strip out the middle dot.
# However, here's where it gets a little interesting and there's an important
# lesson here. If you copied the middle dot from the output and pasted it into
# the `strip` it wouldn't work. You might initially think: what's going on, I
# pasted it from the output into `strip` and yet it's not stripping it!
# The issue is that the output is normalized to NFC whereas we're stripping
# before normalization. Turns out that what was in the input file was
# U+0387 (GREEK ANO TELEIA) but under NFC that becomes U+00B7 (MIDDLE DOT).
# We could strip U+0387 instead of U+00B7. Or we could strip both. But perhaps
# the cleanest thing would be to just normalize BEFORE we strip. Then we only
# need to worry about the NFC versions of what we want to strip.
# So in subsequent versions of this script, we'll do:
# token = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", token).strip(".,\u00B7")
# Note that `\uXXXX` is the way of getting a Unicode character in a string
# by its code point without needing to work out how to enter it directly.
# Next up, I want to add one more sanity check which is just making sure we
# don't have any stray characters. To do this, I'm going to make sure each
# of our tokens matches a particular regular expression.
# First we need to import the `re` module
import re
import unicodedata
# We're going to count the number of errors in the regular expression matching
# we get so let's initialize a variable.
error_count = 0
with open("OCR Output linebreaks removed.txt") as f:
for token in
# You'll notice I've added `\uFEFF` to the stripping. That's because
# I noticed when I first ran this script (with the regular expression
# test below) that the file starts with a \uFEFF which I don't want
# as part of the word token.
token = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", token).strip(".,;\u00B7\uFEFF")
# Now this could (and, in fact in our case DOES) lead to a token that
# is an empty string. We don't want to include those tokens in our
# output so we're just going to skip them with the `continue` statement
# which, in a `for` loop just goes to the next item in the iteration.
if token == "":
# `re.match` tests if the given pattern is a match for the given
# string. Technically `re.match` is returning a "match object" (if
# there is a match) or `None` but for testing "truth", a match object
# counts as `True` and `None` counts as `False`.
# I'll explain the regular expression in more detail at the end.
if re.match(r"[\u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+\u2019?$", token):
else: # we got a `None` from `re.match` so it didn't match
# increment our count
error_count += 1
# A quick little way to help us find the errors in the output
print("*** ERROR ***")
# As well as printing the token, let's actually iterate over each
# character (if you try a `for` loop over a string it will
# iterate over each character, in this case putting it in `ch`)
for ch in token:
# `ord()` converts a character to its Unicode code point
# `hex()` converts an integer to its hexadecimal representation
print(ch, hex(ord(ch)))
# When we're all done, print out the number of errors we got (if any) so
# we can easily see at the bottom of our output if anything went wrong.
# This `if` statement works because `0` counts as `False` and all other
# numbers count as `True`
if error_count:
print("***", error_count, "errors")
# In our case there were a couple of errors:
# - a stray `|` in κακῶν|
# - a Latin `o` in Ἐντoλὴν
# Let me explain the regular expression:
# \u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+\u2019?$
# Here's what you need to know:
# 1. remember that `\uXXXX` just means the Unicode code point. It is
# equivalent to literally typing in the equivalent character
# 2. `[`...`]` means match one of the characters in the brackets. `-` is used
# to indicate ranges of characters. So `[\u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]` means
# "match one character in the range U+0370 to U+03FFF or U+1F00 to U+1FFF"
# (which are the Greek areas in Unicode, assuming precomposed characters)
# 3. The `+` means "allow what precedes to occur one or more times". So
# `[\u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+` means "one or more Greek characters"
# 4. The `?` means "what precedes is optional, i.e. allow it to occur zero or
# one time". So `\u2019?` matches U+2019 if it's there but also won't
# complain if it isn't
# 5. The `$` means "end of the string"
# 6. So all in all, this regular expression is saying "match one or more Greek
# characters, optionally followed by a single U+2019, followed by the end
# of the string
# It would be nice if errors were written to STDERR not STDOUT. In this
# version, we do that.
import re
# we're going to need `sys` for the special file object `sys.stderr`
import sys
import unicodedata
error_count = 0
with open("OCR Output linebreaks removed.txt") as f:
for token in
token = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", token).strip(".,;\u00B7\uFEFF")
if token == "":
if re.match(r"[\u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+\u2019?$", token):
error_count += 1
# you can give `print()` a `file` argument to print to something
# other than STDOUT
print("*** ERROR ***", file=sys.stderr)
print(token, file=sys.stderr)
for ch in token:
print(ch, hex(ord(ch)), file=sys.stderr)
if error_count:
print("***", error_count, "errors", file=sys.stderr)
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