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Created October 7, 2016 03:00
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grepping fuck in the jedi academy repo
jtcressy@jtcressy-G46VW ~/githubrepos/Jedi-Academy [20:59:01]
> $ grep -r "fuck" * [±master ✓]
code/win32/win_glimp.cpp: // error box that'll only appear if something's seriously fucked then I'm going to fallback to
code/win32/win_qgl_dx8.cpp: // But I can't figure out who the fuck has a lock on the texture, or
code/server/sv_savegame.cpp: // I'm going to jump in front of a fucking bus if I ever have to do something so hacky in the future.
code/server/sv_savegame.cpp: // popup, but we need it to be up for at least a second, so sit here in a fucking
code/renderer/tr_WorldEffects.cpp:#define COUTSIDE_STRUCT_VERSION 1 // you MUST increase this any time you change any binary (fields) inside this class, or cahced files will fuck up
code/mp3code/mhead.c: return 0; // fuck knows what this is, but it ain't one of ours...
code/mp3code/towave.c: // fuck this...
code/ui/ui_saber.cpp:{//FIXME: these get fucked by vid_restarts
code/cgame/cg_players.cpp: && !G_ClassHasBadBones( cent->gent->client->NPC_class ) )//these guys' bones are so fucked up we shouldn't even bother with this motion bone comp...
code/game/g_vehicles.c: {//just get the fuck out
code/game/AI_Rancor.cpp: {//fuck, do an actual line trace, I guess...
code/game/AI_Rancor.cpp: {//fuck, do an actual line trace, I guess...
code/game/NPC_reactions.cpp: //ask them what the fuck they're doing
code/game/q_math.cpp: i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
code/game/bg_pmove.cpp: {//on ground and not moving and on level ground, no reason to do stupid fucking gravity with the clipvelocity!!!!
code/game/wp_saber.cpp: // Need to extern these. We can't #include qcommon.h because some fuckwit
code/game/g_active.cpp: {//aw, fuck it, clients no longer take impact damage from other clients, unless you're the player
code/game/AI_Jedi.cpp: {//fuck, jump instead
code/game/AI_Jedi.cpp: {//fuck it, just force it
code/game/AI_Jedi.cpp: {//fuck, jump instead
code/game/AI_Jedi.cpp: {//fuck it, just force it
code/game/g_client.cpp: //SIGH... fucks him up BAD
code/game/g_client.cpp: //SIGH... spine wiggles fuck all this shit
code/client/snd_mem.cpp: if (iRawPCMDataSize) // should always be true, unless file is fucked, in which case, stop this conversion process
codemp/win32/win_glimp.cpp: // error box that'll only appear if something's seriously fucked then I'm going to fallback to
codemp/win32/xbox_texture_man.h: // figure out what the fuck is wrong later: VVFIXME
codemp/win32/win_qgl_dx8.cpp: // But I can't figure out who the fuck has a lock on the texture, or
codemp/qcommon/strip.cpp:// fix problems caused by fucking morons entering clever "rich" chars in to new text files *after* the auto-stripper
codemp/qcommon/qcommon.h:// What the fuck? I haven't seen a message bigger than 9k. Let's increase when we NEED to, eh?
codemp/mp3code/mhead.c: return 0; // fuck knows what this is, but it ain't one of ours...
codemp/ui/ui_saber.c:{//FIXME: these get fucked by vid_restarts
codemp/game/g_vehicles.c: {//just get the fuck out
codemp/game/g_mover.c: {//just blow the fuck out of them
codemp/game/NPC_reactions.c: //ask them what the fuck they're doing
codemp/game/q_math.c: i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
codemp/game/g_main.c: // Fix for yet another friggin global in the goddamn fucking DLLs.
codemp/client/snd_mem.cpp: if (iRawPCMDataSize) // should always be true, unless file is fucked, in which case, stop this conversion process
codemp/client/cl_input.cpp: //this will fuck things up for them, need to clamp
tools/ModView/mainfrm.cpp: // command to do it legally, so fuck it...
tools/ModView/mainfrm.cpp: // command to do it legally, so fuck it...
tools/ModView/mainfrm.cpp: // TCHAR versions of these won't fucking compile (thanks yet again, MS)
tools/ModView/modviewdoc.cpp: // make absolutely fucking sure this bastard does as it's told...
tools/ModView/modviewdoc.cpp: // and since the CWinApp class can't even ask what it's own fucking document pointer is without doing a hundred
tools/ModView/modviewdoc.cpp: // lines of shit deep within MFC then I'm going to fuck the whole lot off by storing a pointer which I can then
tools/ModView/modviewdoc.cpp: // All this fucking bollocks was because MS insist on doing their own switch-comparing so I can't pass in 'real'
tools/ModView/modviewdoc.cpp: // switches, I have to use this '#' crap. Stupid fucking incompetent MS dickheads. Like how hard would it be to
tools/ModView/model.h:// vector < MyGLMatrix_t > MatricesPerFrame; // why the fuck doesn't this work? Dammit.
tools/ModView/model.h: vector <MyGLMatrix_t> vMatricesPerFrame; // why the fuck doesn't this work? Dammit.
tools/ModView/r_glm.cpp: return MyFlags; // fuck it, couldn't find a parent, just return my flags
tools/ModView/r_glm.cpp: // that aren't being used. - NOTE this will fuck up any models that have surfaces turned off where the lower surfaces aren't.
tools/ModView/textures.cpp: if (error && error != GL_STACK_OVERFLOW /* fucking stupid ATI cards report this for no reason sometimes */ )
tools/ModView/model.cpp:// sometimes MFC & C++ are a real fucking pain as regards what can talk to what, so...
tools/ModView/oldskins.cpp:// {"February", 28}, // fuck the leap years
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