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Created January 8, 2012 07:47
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Experimenting with structured data validation with validated "residues"
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Rules
( Rule(Rule)
, foreach
, failRule
, apply
, ruleDoc
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Control.Applicative
-- Validation rules which yield validated data. The idea is that a
-- rule encapsulates a validation process and also returns the data
-- which was validated (what I call the "residue" of the validation).
-- For example, a rule which checks that a string represents an
-- integer value would do the check and, if successful, would return
-- the integer value in question. Furthermore, this approach intends
-- to produce "self-documenting" rules which can be inspected and
-- printed out so that the documentation of validation requirements
-- can never be out of sync with the implementation.
data Rule n a where
-- Function application inside rules.
Apply :: Rule n (a -> b) -> Rule n a -> Rule n b
-- Disjunction with exactly one match.
OneOf :: [Rule n a] -> Rule n a
-- User-defined rule with a description.
Rule :: String -> (n -> Rule n a) -> Rule n a
-- Embed a constant value in a rule.
Pure :: a -> Rule n a
-- Signal a rule failure (in custom rules).
Failed :: String -> Rule n a
-- Compose rules on structure type.
Compose :: Rule a b -> Rule n a -> Rule n b
-- Iteration rule.
Foreach :: Rule a [b] -> Rule b c -> Rule a [c]
instance Functor (Rule n) where
fmap f r = Apply (Pure f) r
instance Applicative (Rule n) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Apply
instance Alternative (Rule n) where
empty = Failed "empty"
(OneOf as) <|> (OneOf bs) = OneOf $ as ++ bs
(OneOf as) <|> b = OneOf $ as ++ [b]
a <|> (OneOf bs) = OneOf $ a : bs
a <|> b = OneOf [a, b]
instance Category Rule where
id = Rule "the identity rule" (pure . id)
r2 . r1 = Compose r2 r1
foreach :: Rule a [b] -> Rule b c -> Rule a [c]
foreach = Foreach
failRule :: String -> Rule n a
failRule = Failed
ruleDoc :: Rule n a -> Doc
ruleDoc (Pure _) = text "Constant"
ruleDoc (Apply (Pure _) r1) = ruleDoc r1
ruleDoc (Apply r2 (Pure _)) = ruleDoc r2
ruleDoc (Apply r2 r1) = vcat [ ruleDoc r2
, ruleDoc r1
ruleDoc (Failed msg) = text $ "Failed: " ++ show msg
ruleDoc (Rule desc _) = text desc
ruleDoc (OneOf rs) = vcat [ text "One of these rules is satisfied:"
, vcat $ (nest 2 . ruleDoc) <$> rs
ruleDoc (Compose r2 r1) = vcat [ text "compose" <+> (ruleDoc r2)
, nest 2 $ text "with" <+> ruleDoc r1
ruleDoc (Foreach things r) = vcat [ text "for each of"
, nest 2 $ ruleDoc things
, text "satisfy"
, nest 2 $ ruleDoc r
-- Apply a rule to a node, yielding the value checked and computed by
-- the rule.
apply :: n -> Rule n a -> Either String a
apply _ (Pure a) = Right a
apply _ (Failed e) = Left e
apply n (Rule _ f) = apply n (f n)
apply n (Apply r2 r1) = do
f <- apply n r2
v <- apply n r1
return $ f v
apply n (Foreach things r) = do
values <- apply n things
mapM (flip apply r) values
apply n (OneOf rs) =
let results = apply n <$> rs
successes = rights results
failures = lefts results
in if not $ null successes
then Right $ head successes
else Left $ "No rules matched: " ++ intercalate ", " failures
apply n (Compose r2 r1) = do
v <- apply n r1
apply v r2
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Control.Category ((.))
import Text.PrettyPrint (render)
import Control.Applicative
import Rules
data Foo = Foo { fooContent :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Node = Node String Foo [Node]
deriving (Show, Eq)
nodeVal :: Node -> String
nodeVal (Node s _ _) = s
childNodes :: Node -> [Node]
childNodes (Node _ _ ns) = ns
-- Rules.
getChild :: Int -> Rule Node Node
getChild num = Rule ("Get child node " ++ show num) $
\n -> if (length $ childNodes n) < num + 1
then failRule $ "Child " ++ show num ++ " not found"
else pure $ childNodes n !! num
children :: Rule Node [Node]
children = Rule "Get child nodes" (pure . childNodes)
isIntNode :: Rule Node Int
isIntNode = Rule "the node has an integer value" $
\n -> case reads $ nodeVal n of
(v,""):_ -> pure v
_ -> failRule $ "Not an integer: " ++ (show $ nodeVal n)
isCharNode :: Rule Node Char
isCharNode = Rule "the node has a char value" $
\n -> if (length $ nodeVal n) == 1
then pure $ head $ nodeVal n
else failRule $ "Not a character: " ++ (show $ nodeVal n)
isStringNode :: Rule Node String
isStringNode = Rule "the node has a string value" (pure . nodeVal)
hasChildren :: Int -> Rule Node ()
hasChildren num = Rule ("The node has exactly " ++ show num ++ " children") $
\n -> if (length $ childNodes n) == num
then pure ()
else failRule $ show num ++ " children required"
fooRule :: Rule Foo Int
fooRule = Rule "foo has content 5" $
\foo -> if fooContent foo == 5
then pure $ fooContent foo
else failRule "fooContent is wrong"
main :: IO ()
main = do
let t = Node "13" (Foo 1) [ Node "foo bar" (Foo 2) [Node "192" (Foo 3) []]
, Node "6" (Foo 4) [ Node "7" (Foo 5) []
getFoo = Rule "get the foo value" $
\(Node _ f _) -> pure f
rule = hasChildren 2 *> ((,,,,,)
<$> isIntNode
<*> ((fooRule . getFoo) <|> pure 1)
<*> isStringNode . getChild 0
<*> isIntNode . getChild 1
<*> ((nodeVal <$>) <$> children)
<*> (foreach children $ foreach children isIntNode)
print t
putStrLn "Rule:"
putStrLn $ render $ ruleDoc rule
putStrLn ""
case apply t rule of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "Rule application failed: " ++ e
Right val -> do
putStrLn "Data from applying rule:"
print val
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