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Created December 30, 2018 22:20
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Configuring second workstation after creating jx/gke cluster from another workstation
jx version
Error loading team settings. Unable to locate dev environment resource definition in namespace default, No Environment called: dev or with selector: env=dev found 0 entries: []
Error loading team settings. Unable to locate dev environment resource definition in namespace default, No Environment called: dev or with selector: env=dev found 0 entries: []
Failed to find helm installs: failed to run 'helm list' command in directory '', output: '': exec: "helm": executable file not found in $PATH
Failed to get helm version: failed to run 'helm version --short' command in directory '', output: '': exec: "helm": executable file not found in $PATH
jx 1.3.688
Kubernetes cluster v1.10.9-gke.5
kubectl v1.10.7
git git version 2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)
Operating System Mac OS X 10.14.2 build 18C54
Jeffs-MBP-3:~ jefffogarty$ helm list
-bash: helm: command not found
Jeffs-MBP-3:~ jefffogarty$ jx init --helm-client-only
? Cloud Provider gke
? Please enter the name you wish to use with git: jtfogarty
? Please enter the email address you wish to use with git:
Git configured for user: jtfogarty and email
Using helm2
Configuring tiller
Tiller Deployment is running in namespace kube-system
existing ingress controller found, no need to install a new one
Waiting for external loadbalancer to be created and update the nginx-ingress-controller service in kube-system namespace
Note: this loadbalancer will fail to be provisioned if you have insufficient quotas, this can happen easily on a GKE free account. To view quotas run: gcloud compute project-info describe
External loadbalancer created
Waiting to find the external host name of the ingress controller Service in namespace kube-system with name jxing-nginx-ingress-controller
You can now configure a wildcard DNS pointing to the new loadbalancer address
If you do not have a custom domain setup yet, Ingress rules will be set for magic dns
Once you have a custom domain ready, you can update with the command jx upgrade ingress --cluster
If you don't have a wildcard DNS setup then setup a DNS (A) record and point it at: then use the DNS domain in the next input...
? Domain
nginx ingress controller installed and configured
Jeffs-MBP-3:~ jefffogarty$ jx version
Failed to find helm installs: failed to run 'helm list' command in directory '', output: '': exec: "helm": executable file not found in $PATH
Failed to get helm version: failed to run 'helm version --short' command in directory '', output: '': exec: "helm": executable file not found in $PATH
jx 1.3.688
Kubernetes cluster v1.10.9-gke.5
kubectl v1.10.7
git git version 2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)
Operating System Mac OS X 10.14.2 build 18C54
Jeffs-MBP-3:~ jefffogarty$ which helm
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