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Created August 28, 2017 20:05
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# coding: utf-8
# This script is intended for variables not yet available in the [Experiments Viewer](
# In[1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.plotly as py
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
from collections import defaultdict as dd
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
import itertools
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
py_max = __builtin__.max
py_map =
get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
# In[2]:
experiment_probes = {}
experiment_probes["payload/histograms"] = [
probe_names = list(itertools.chain(*experiment_probes.values()))
EXPERIMENT_SLUG = "pref-flip-rcwn-1367951"
END_DATE = "20170705" #YYYYMMDD
# In[3]:
cohorts = Dataset.from_source("telemetry-cohorts")
pings = cohorts.where(submissionDate = lambda x: x >= START_DATE and x <= END_DATE) .where(experimentId=EXPERIMENT_SLUG) .records(sc, sample=0.01)
# In[4]:
main_pings = pings.filter(lambda x: x["meta"]["docType"]=="main")
# In[ ]:
# haven't run this yet - trying to aggregate histograms per Client instead of collapsing over them
byClient = p: (p['clientId'], [p])).reduceByKey(lambda x,y: x+y)
#modified from
def recursive_get(d, keys):
if len(keys) == 1:
return d.get(keys[0],{})
return recursive_get(d.get(keys[0],{}), keys[1:])
def extract_probes(i):
clientId, pinglist = i
# determine which branch this client was in and note if it ended up in both
branch = []
for p in pinglist:
branch.extend(p.get("environment",{}).get("experiments",{}).get(EXPERIMENT_SLUG, {}).get("branch", "warning"))
if len(np.unique(branch)) > 1:
branch = "both"
branch = np.unique(branch)[0]
# if you input by client, pinglist instead of ping add another layer of iteration over the list here
output = []
for p in pinglist:
for path, probe_names in experiment_probes.iteritems():
for probe_name in probe_names:
probe = recursive_get(p, path.split("/")).get(probe_name, {})
for k,v in probe.get("values",{}).iteritems():
output.extend([{"probe": probe_name, "branch": branch, "val": float(k)}] * int(v))
# by this point you should have all this clients pings in an aggregate histogram, right? what then?
# return output
fin = byClient.flatMap(extract_probes)
# In[5]:
#modified from
def recursive_get(d, keys):
if len(keys) == 1:
return d.get(keys[0],{})
return recursive_get(d.get(keys[0],{}), keys[1:])
def extract_probes(p):
branch = p.get("environment",{}).get("experiments",{}).get(EXPERIMENT_SLUG, {}).get("branch", "warning")
output = []
for path, probe_names in experiment_probes.iteritems():
for probe_name in probe_names:
probe = recursive_get(p, path.split("/")).get(probe_name, {})
#take all entries in histogram right now. this is probably problematic. inspect more
for k,v in probe.get("values",{}).iteritems():
output.extend([{"probe": probe_name, "branch": branch, "val": float(k)}] * int(v))
return output
probe_dicts = main_pings.flatMap(extract_probes)
# In[6]:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame( d: Row(**d)))
# In[7]:
#check on branch distribution
for b,v in x: x.get("environment",{}).get("experiments",{}).get(EXPERIMENT_SLUG, {}).get("branch", "warning")).countByValue().iteritems():
print b, ":", v
# In[8]:
branches = [i.branch for i in"branch").distinct().collect()]
n_branches = len(branches)
#for this one - set order
branches = ["control", "rcwn-enabled"]
# In[9]:
# get the bins we use for the histogram for a probe by looking at all branches
def get_bins(probe_name, logscale=False):
all_branches = [r.val for r in df.where(df.probe == probe_name) .collect()]
#remove top 0.5%, bottom 0.5% for easy outlier
trim = int(len(all_branches)/200.0)
all_branches_trimmed = sorted(all_branches)
all_branches_trimmed = all_branches_trimmed[trim:-1*trim]
if logscale:
if all_branches_trimmed[0] < 1:
all_branches_trimmed = py_map(lambda d: d+1, all_branches_trimmed)
return list(np.linspace(np.log10(all_branches_trimmed[1]), np.log10(all_branches_trimmed[-1]), 10))
n,b = np.histogram(all_branches_trimmed,10)
return b
# get values for branch of experiment for pref, and trim off outliers
def get_vals(pref_name, branch):
x_vals = [r.val for r in df.where(df.probe == pref_name) .where(df.branch == branch) .collect()]
trim = int(len(x_vals)/200.0)
x_trimmed = sorted(x_vals)[trim:-1*trim]
return x_trimmed
def median(lst):
return lst[(len(lst))/2]
# return (pval, direction) if significant p value for mannwhitneyu vs control
def test_unequal(branch_vals, control_vals, p_threshold=.05):
r = mannwhitneyu(branch_vals, control_vals)
return None, None
prefix = ""
if r.pvalue < p_threshold:
prefix = "***"
if median(branch_vals) > median(control_vals):
return (prefix + str(r.pvalue), "> control")
return (prefix + str(r.pvalue), "< control")
# return (proceed bool, reason)
def can_chart_pref(pref_name):
n = df.where(df.probe == pref_name).count()
if n==0:
return (False, "0 entries for pref %s"%pref_name)
elif n>10000000:
return (False, "%i values for pref %s"%(n,pref_name))
return (True, None)
# chart histograms for all branches of a probe, log/std, and calculate if any branches vary from the mean
def chart_pref(pref_name, logscale):
sig_branches = []
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(n_branches, 1, sharex=True, sharey= 'col')
b = get_bins(pref_name, logscale)
print pref_name + " (logscale=" + str(logscale) + ")" + ":"
control_vals = get_vals(pref_name, "control")
for i in range(n_branches):
if branches[i] == "control":
x = control_vals
x = get_vals(pref_name, branches[i])
if logscale: #always assume 0 as lowest val for now
x_trans = py_map(lambda d: d+1, x)
ap,bp,cp = axarr[i].hist(np.log(x_trans), bins=b)
axarr[i].hist(x, bins=b)
if branches[i] == "control": continue
print "len(branch_vals) = " + str(len(x)) + ", len(control_vals) = " + str(len(control_vals))
if len(x) != 0 | len(control_vals) != 0:
p, direction = test_unequal(x, control_vals)
if p is not None and p.startswith("***"):
print branches[i], p #, direction
print "branch with no values"
for p in probe_names:
can_chart, reason = can_chart_pref(p)
if can_chart:
chart_pref(p, False)
chart_pref(p, True)
print reason
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