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Created May 2, 2019 21:36
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import numpy as np
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
# Generate LCC Grid
def generate_lcc_grid(nx = 532, ny = 532, dx = 3000., dy = 3000.,
central_latitude = 39.05, central_longitude = -95.68,
standard_parallels = 39.05,
globe_kwargs = {'a': 6370000, 'b': 6370000}):
# Inputs default to Squiteri and Gallus (2016) WRF grid
# Make sure we have standard_parallels in proper format
assert len(standard_parallels) == 2
except TypeError:
standard_parallels = [standard_parallels, standard_parallels]
except AssertionError:
standard_parallels = [standard_parallels[0], standard_parallels[-1]]
# Set up our projections
lcc_proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='lcc',
lat_1=standard_parallels[0], lat_2=standard_parallels[1],
lat_0=central_latitude, lon_0=central_longitude,
wgs_proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84')
# Get center easting and northing
e, n = pyproj.transform(wgs_proj, lcc_proj, central_longitude, central_latitude)
# Set lower-left corner of the domain
x0 = -(nx - 1) / 2. * dx + e
y0 = -(ny - 1) / 2. * dy + n
# Create the 2D LCC Grid
x = np.arange(nx) * dx + x0
y = np.arange(ny) * dy + y0
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# Transform to LatLon
lons, lats = pyproj.transform(lcc_proj, wgs_proj, xx, yy)
lons += 360.
# Create dataset
lcc_ds = xr.Dataset(coords={'lon': (['y', 'x'], lons),
'lat': (['y', 'x'], lats),
'y': y,
'x': x})
lcc_ds['lon'].attrs = {'standard_name': 'longitude',
'units': 'degrees_east'}
lcc_ds['lat'].attrs = {'standard_name': 'latitude',
'units': 'degrees_north'}
lcc_ds['y'].attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate',
'units': 'meter'}
lcc_ds['x'].attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate',
'units': 'meter'}
return lcc_ds
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