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Created March 2, 2018 00:55
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Part of the purrr resolution by Isabella R. Ghement, Ph.D.
# Install required packages
# Load required packages
# Load airquality data set which comes with R
# Prepare airquality data set for further analysis
# convert Month variable from integer to factor
airquality$Month <- factor(airquality$Month,
# assign a label and units to Ozone variable
label(airquality$Ozone) <- "Ozone"
units(airquality$Ozone) <- "ppb"
# assign a label and units to Wind variable
label(airquality$Wind) <- "Wind"
units(airquality$Wind) <- "mph"
# assign a label and units to Temp variable
label(airquality$Temp) <- "Temperature"
units(airquality$Temp) <- "degrees F"
# assign a label to Month variable
label(airquality$Month) <- "Month"
# Define a custom function which will be used to produce joyplots
# (e.g., joyplots of Ozone for the months of May, June, July, August and
# September). Joyplots (or density ridgeline plots) are partially overlapping
# density plots that create the impression of a mountain range when considered together.
# See
# for more details on this type of plots.
joyplots <- function(data, x, y) {
.e = environment()
data <- dplyr::select_(data, .dots=c(x,y) %>% unname)
names(data) <- c("x","y")
data.nonmiss <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
ggplot(data=data.nonmiss, aes(x=x,y=y, fill=y, height = ..density..), environment=.e) +
geom_density_ridges(rel_min_height = 0.005, stat = "density") +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
scale_fill_few() +
xlab(paste0(label(data.nonmiss$x), " (",units(data.nonmiss$x),")")) +
ylab(paste0(label(data.nonmiss$y))) +
theme_minimal() +
# Test the joyplots() function for the Ozone variable
joyplots(airquality, x="Ozone", y="Month")
# Apply the joyplot() function simultaneously to the variables
# Ozone, Wind and Temp from the airquality data set using the
# map2() function from the purrr package. Assign relevant names to
# the resulting plots, which will be stored into a list called plots.
xvars <- c("Ozone", "Wind", "Temp") # specify all variables for which we need to build joyplots
yvars <- c("Month") # specify the Month variable
plots <- map2(xvars, yvars, joyplots, data=airquality) # apply joyplots simultaneously to every combination of elements of xvars and yvars
names(plots) <- xvars # name the plots
# Use the pwalk() function from the purrr package to export each of the
# plots from the list of plots to a pdf file. The names of all pdf files
# are specified in the filenames object. The files are saved with
# ggsave() in the current working directory.
filenames <- stringr::str_c(names(plots), ".pdf") # create the filenames under which the plots will be saved
pwalk(list(filenames, plots), ggsave, path = getwd()) # save the plots under these filenames with pwalk()
getwd() # pdf files are saved here
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