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Created September 13, 2023 01:35
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Solving the Keyword game with R, with a little help from RStudio and Copilot!
# create a function to solve the Keyword game
# this game uses a 6 letter horizontal word at the
# intersection of 6 other words, where a missing letter from each of the vertical words
# accounts for one letter of the mystery 6 letter length horizontal word
# how to play
# Guess 6 letters across.
# Letters must spell words across and down.
# Example:
words <- c("ou{x1}",
letter_freqs <- strsplit('etaoinshrdlcumwfgypbvkjxqz', '')[[1]]
letter_scores <- setNames(1:26, letter_freqs)
score_letters <- function(letters) sum(letter_scores[tolower(letters)])
# combine letters freqs, letters scores into the score_letters function
score_letters <- function(letters) {
letter_freqs <- strsplit('etaoinshrdlcumwfgypbvkjxqz', '')[[1]]
letter_scores <- setNames(1:26, letter_freqs)
score_letters(c('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'))
str_sub("tacos", 2, 2)
read_keywords <- function(){
words_in <- readLines("/usr/share/dict/words")
words_in[stringr::str_length(words_in)<=6] |> tolower()
words_in <- read_keywords()
local_keywords <- read_keywords()
local_keywords |>
# create a json_url function that accepts a date argument
# the date argument should be in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD" but
# will need to use stringr to replace the "-" with "/" to match the url format
# using glue, create a url that matches
# ""
# but replace the 2023/08/09 with the cleaned date
json_url <- function(date = Sys.Date()){
date_clean <- stringr::str_replace_all(date, "-", "/")
url <- glue::glue("{date_clean}.json")
json_in <- json_url(Sys.Date()) |> fromJSON(simplifyVector = FALSE)
# combine the json_url and json_in into a function to return the json from the url
get_json_data <- function(date = Sys.Date()){
date_clean <- stringr::str_replace_all(date, "-", "/")
url <- glue::glue("{date_clean}.json")
json_in <- url |> fromJSON(simplifyVector = FALSE)
word_miss <- json_in$words |> as.character()
# in a vector of 6 words, replace the letter '_' with the '{x1}' where the number is the index of the word in the vector
word_miss |> stringr::str_replace_all("_", "{x1}")
purrr::map2_chr(word_miss, 1:6, ~stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "_", glue::glue("{{x{.y}}}")))
# split a string into a vector of characters
split_char <- function(word){
stringr::str_split(word, "") |> unlist()
split_char("date") |>
# create a function that takes a vector of words and a string length
# and returns the words that match the length of the mystery word
limit_words <- function(words, str_length){
# given a word like "_ack" return a regex that will match the known letters, but any lower case letter instead of _
regex_from_word <- function(word){
word |>
stringr::str_replace_all("_", "[a-z]") |>
matched_words <- str_subset(limit_words(words_in, 4), regex_from_word("_ack"))
matched_words |>
lapply(split_char) |>
sapply(score_letters) |>
setNames(matched_words, nm = _)|>
sort() |>
"_ack" |>
stringr::str_replace_all("_", "[a-z]")
word_miss[2] |> regex_from_word()
limit_words(words_in, 4) |>
lapply(split_char) |>
sapply(score_letters) |>
setNames(limit_words(words_in, 4), nm = _)|>
sort() |>
# put the matched_words into a function that also allows split_char and score_letters to return the top 50 most likely words
top_words <- function(word, words_in, top_n = 50){
matched_words <- str_subset(limit_words(words_in, str_length(word)), regex_from_word(word))
matched_words |>
lapply(split_char) |>
sapply(score_letters) |>
setNames(matched_words, nm = _)|>
sort() |>
unique() |>
top_words("_over", words_in)
letters_from_blank <- function(word_in, top_words){
# position of _ in the string
pos <- stringr::str_locate(word_in, "_")[[1]]
stringr::str_sub(top_words, pos, pos)
letters_from_blank("gol_", top_words("gol_", words_in))
possible_letters <- purrr::map(word_miss, ~letters_from_blank(.x, top_words(.x, words_in)))
# given a list of multiple vectors of letters, return a list of all possible combinations of letters
cross_words <- function(possible_letters){
purrr::cross(possible_letters) |>
purrr::map_chr(paste0, collapse = "")
generated_words <- cross_words(possible_letters)
possible_letters |>
# given a vector of words in generated_words, vector subset it with words_in that are 6 characters long and match or are in the generated words
possible_words <- function(generated_words, words_in){
limited_words <- generated_words[generated_words %in% limit_words(words_in, 6)]
limited_words |>
lapply(split_char) |>
sapply(score_letters) |>
setNames(limited_words, nm = _)|>
sort() |>
unique() |>
possible_keywords <- possible_words(generated_words, words_in)
# now using those keywords, replace the missing _ in the words with the split letters from keywords
# split the keywords into a vector of characters
# replace the _ in the words with the letters from the keywords
possible_ver_words <- possible_keywords |>
lapply(split_char) |>
# now paste those letters into the words with missing letters
purrr::map(~stringr::str_replace(word_miss, "_", .x))
word_miss |>
str_replace("_", possible_keywords[2] |>
word_miss |>
# simplify a list of lists into a single character string but separated by a new line
json_in$words |>
purrr::map_chr(paste0, collapse = "\n")
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