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Last active May 26, 2023 01:34
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  • Save jthomasmock/b6fd5d64842296de2d1ef9cad6769f2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jthomasmock/b6fd5d64842296de2d1ef9cad6769f2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# original source:
party_df <- tibble(
Party = c("SPD", "CDU/CSU", "Greens", "FDP", "AfD", "Left", "Other"),
Seats = c(206, 196, 118, 92, 83, 39, 1),
`% of 2nd Votes` = c(25.7, 24.1, 14.8, 11.5, 10.3, 4.9, 8.7)
minimal_table <- gt(party_df) %>%
gt_plt_dot(column = Seats, category_column = Party, max_value = 379,
palette = c("#ec323f", "black", "#63d64a", "#fff24e", "#4fabf7", "#e956ad", "grey")) %>%
gtExtras::gt_theme_nytimes() %>%
tab_header(title = "Results by Party in the Bundestag Election",
subtitle = "Seats and votes are based on provisional official results.") %>%
cols_width(Party ~ px(368), 3 ~ px(30))
party_table <- gt(party_df) %>%
gt_plt_dot(column = Seats, category_column = Party, max_value = 368,
palette = c("#ec323f", "black", "#63d64a", "#fff24e", "#4fabf7", "#e956ad", "grey")) %>%
gtExtras::gt_theme_nytimes() %>%
tab_header(title = "Results by Party in the Bundestag Election",
subtitle = "Seats and votes are based on provisional official results.") %>%
cols_width(Party ~ px(300), 3 ~ px(30)) %>%
tab_style(style = list(cell_text(color = "grey"),cell_borders(color = "white")),
locations = cells_body(3)) %>%
"With a total of 735 seats<br>",
"<span style='color:#bfbfbf;'>Data as of: Sept 26, 2021, 11:09PM CDT</span>"
) %>%
tab_style(style = cell_borders("right", "lightgrey", "dashed"),
cells_body(Party)) %>%
tab_style(style = cell_borders("top", "white"), cells_body(rows = 1)) %>%
tab_options(table.border.bottom.color = "white")
combo_table <- htmltools::div(
"368 seats for majority",
style = paste0(
background= "white", font.size = px(11), width = px(60), = "arial", display = "flex", text.align = "center",
color = "#999", position = "fixed", top = "230px", left = "290px"
# to save as an img
gtExtras::gtsave_extra(combo_table, "combo-table.png", vwidth = 450, vheight = 430)
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Original table from Bloomberg

The original table, indicating a Win in the German election by the SPD party w/ 206 seats

A minimal version w/ a few lines of gt and gtExtras

minimal_table <- gt(party_df) %>% 
  gt_plt_dot(column = Seats, category_column = Party,  max_value = 379,
    palette = c("#ec323f", "black", "#63d64a", "#fff24e", "#4fabf7", "#e956ad", "grey")) %>% 
  gtExtras::gt_theme_nytimes() %>% 
  tab_header(title = "Results by Party in the Bundestag Election",
             subtitle = "Seats and votes are based on provisional official results.") %>% 
  cols_width(Party ~ px(300), 3 ~ px(30))

A minimal recreation of original table, returned via the code above and minimal_table

A full recreation w/ gt and gtExtras

A recreation of the table from Bloomberg made with gt + gtExtras

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