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Created March 29, 2023 10:54
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def mk_hash(multiplier, shift, nr_buckets):
def hash(n):
h1 = (n * multiplier) >> (2 + shift)
h2 = h1 >> shift
return (h1 ^ h2) % nr_buckets
return hash
def run_test(hash_fn, nr_buckets, stride):
counts = [0 for _ in range(nr_buckets)]
for b in [b * stride for b in range(1024 * 16)]:
bucket = hash_fn(b)
counts[bucket] += 1
return counts
def main():
strides = [2**n for n in range(12)]
multipliers = [(2**32) - n for n in [5, 17, 65, 99, 107, 135, 153, 185, 209, 267]]
shifts = [6]
nr_buckets = [16, 32, 64]
for m in multipliers:
for s in strides:
for shift in shifts:
for nr in nr_buckets:
hash_fn = mk_hash(m, shift, nr)
counts = run_test(hash_fn, nr, s)
min_c = min(counts)
max_c = max(counts)
f"{s}/{m}/{shift}/{nr}: {max_c - min_c} {int((max_c + min_c) / 2.0)}"
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