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Forked from mikehale/setup_server.feature
Created June 12, 2009 02:46
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Feature: Setup my server
As an awesome rails coder
In order to host my rails application
I would like to have chef setup my server
Given an ubuntu 9.04 server at slicehost
And my applications directory is /var/www/apps
Scenario: Setting up the server
When I run 'setup_server'
Then the run should exit '0'
And the server should have the hostname ''
And 'openssh' should be installed configured to only allow key logins
And the packages 'pgpgpg, mailx, htop, rsync' should be installed
And 'syslog-ng' should be installed
And 'git' should be installed
And 'mysql-server' server should be installed configured with 'utf8 and networking disabled'
And 'apache2' should be installed configured to listen on ports '80 and 443' with the modules 'mod_rails and mod_ssl' enabled
And 'passenger' version '2.2.2' should be installed configured with 'PassengerUseGlobalQueue=on and PassengerEnabled=off'
And 'postfix' should be installed
And the application 'example' from the repository 'git://' and branch 'HEAD' should be running with the 'production' environment at ''
And monit should be installed configured to monitor 'apache2, mysql-server, postfix, and the application example'
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