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Created January 30, 2009 23:10
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On local system, ~root/.ssh/config:
Host chef_server
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/chef_tunnel
User chef_client
Port 2022 # open port 2022 on your firewall to NAT to 22 on chef server
LocalForward 4400 my-chef-server:4000 # chef
LocalForward 4401 my-chef-server:4001 # openid
### end .ssh/config ###
ports are > 1024, root access not necessary.
as root,
ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/chef_tunnel
create chef_client user on chef server.
put public ssh key w/o passphrase in ~chef_client/.ssh/authorized_keys.
on client, before connecting to chef server:
ssh chef_client@chef_server
this can go in a runit service.
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