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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Code to create p-value histograms of significant p-values in journal abstracts for JAMA, NEJM, BMJ, Lancet, and AJE 2000-2010
## See the paper by Jager and Leek and associated discussion
## for more information:
## For the code to perform the analysis in that paper or to see how the p-values
## were collected see the repo:
## The data for this gist are available here:
## Load packages
## Load data
## Make a data frame
pvalueData <-
## Make pvalue data numeric
pvalueData$pvalue = as.numeric(as.vector(pvalueData$pvalue))
## Add journal names
pvalueData$journal = rownames(pvalueData)
## Subset to significant p-values
pval05 = pvalueData[pvalueData$pvalue < 0.05,]
## Make a plot
qplot(factor(journal), pvalue, data = pval05, geom = "violin",fill=journal)
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