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Last active September 4, 2019 18:31
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A simple interactive command-line tic-tac-toe game.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from enum import Enum
To play tic-tac-toe, specify which cell you would like to place your Xs
and Os by using any combination of the words 'top', 'bottom', 'center',
'right', and 'left'. For example, these are valid commands:
> top right
> center
> bottom center"""
frozenset({"top", "left"}): (0, 0),
frozenset({"top", "center"}): (0, 1),
frozenset({"top", "right"}): (0, 2),
frozenset({"center", "left"}): (1, 0),
frozenset({"center"}): (1, 1),
frozenset({"center", "right"}): (1, 2),
frozenset({"bottom", "left"}): (2, 0),
frozenset({"bottom", "center"}): (2, 1),
frozenset({"bottom", "right"}): (2, 2),
class InvalidMoveError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a player attempts to make an invalid move,
i.e., when a player tries to place a tile over an existing one."""
class Tile(Enum):
"""Enumeration of all possible states of a tic-tac-toe square."""
E = " " # An empty tile.
X = "X" # Player 'X'
O = "O" # Player 'O'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class Board:
"""A tic-tac-toe board."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize a new board to nine empty tiles."""
self.tiles = [Tile.E for _ in range(9)]
def get(self, row, col):
"""Return the tile at the given 'row' and 'col'"""
self._validate_coords(row, col)
return self.tiles[row * 3 + col]
def set(self, row, col, tile):
"""Set the tile at the given 'row' and 'col' to the
provided value."""
self._validate_coords(row, col)
if self.get(row, col) is not Tile.E:
raise InvalidMoveError()
self.tiles[row * 3 + col] = tile
def check(self):
"""Check if a player has won the game. Return the tile of the
winning player if there is one. Otherwise, return Tile.E. If the
game is a stalemate, return None."""
spans = [
set(self.tiles[0:3]), # Top row
set(self.tiles[3:6]), # Center row
set(self.tiles[6:9]), # Bottom row
set(self.tiles[0::3]), # Left column
set(self.tiles[1::3]), # Center column
set(self.tiles[2::3]), # Right column
set(self.tiles[::4]), # First diagonal
set(self.tiles[2:7:2]), # Second diagonal
if Tile.E not in self.tiles:
return None
for s in spans:
if len(s) == 1 and Tile.E not in s:
return s.pop()
return Tile.E
def _validate_coords(self, row, col):
"""Throw a RuntimeError if either the given 'row' or 'col'
are out of bounds."""
if not (0 <= row and row < 3):
raise RuntimeError("row out of bounds")
if not (0 <= col and col < 3):
raise RuntimeError("col out of bounds")
def __str__(self):
fmt = [
" . | . | . ",
" . | . | . ",
" . | . | . ",
fmt = "\n".join(fmt).replace(".", "{}")
return fmt.format(*self.tiles)
if __name__ == '__main__':
board = Board()
turn = Tile.X
while True:
# Prompt the user for a command
cmd = input("{}> ".format(turn)).strip()
except EOFError:
# Print the help message if requested.
if cmd == "help":
# Parse the coordinates provided
coord = WORDS.get(frozenset(cmd.split()))
if coord is None:
print("I don't understand. Try running 'help'.")
row, col = coord
board.set(row, col, turn)
except InvalidMoveError:
print("Invalid move. That square isn't empty!")
winner = board.check()
if winner is None:
print("Cat game :(. Better luck next time.")
if winner != Tile.E:
print("The winner is {}!".format(winner))
# Swap the player
turn = Tile.O if turn is Tile.X else Tile.X
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