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Created May 4, 2022 16:22
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A PropertySource is an interface that allows a configuration value to be loaded by its name. An implementation may either be sync or async depending on its backing implmentation.

interface PropertySource {
  get(key: string): unknown;

interface AsyncPropertySource {
  get(key: string): Promise<unknown>;

There can also be a CompositePropertySource that is created from multiple sources and aggregates all of its sources.

class CompositePropertySource implements AsyncPropertySource {
  static from(...sources: (PropertySource | AsyncPropertySource)[]): CompositePropertySource

A number of predefined property source implementations can be published and developers will have the ability to create their own as needed.

  • SSMPropertySource
  • SecretsManagerPropertySource
  • EnvironmentPropertySource
  • CommandLinePropertySource
  • JsonPropertySource
  • YamlPropertySource

Property names should be normalized when requested. This will allow values from environment variables FOO_BAR and ssm foo/bar to be used interchangeably without concern to their implementation.

// the below forms are all equivalent


As configuration values should be accessed in a typesafe manner and validated upfront, a mechanism should be provided to bind property sources to a validated object that in turn can be injected.

This can be done as a class and/or functional approach.

@ConfigurationProperties({prefix: '')
class GatewayProperties {

  accessKey: string;
const gatewayProperties = configurationSchema({
  prefix: '',
  properties: {
    accessKey: string().notEmpty()

## Usage

The typesafe configuration objects can then be injected into services.

class AwsGateway {
  constructor(private @Inject(GatewayProperties) properties) {
  assumeRole() {
    const accessKey =;
    // ...
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