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Last active July 17, 2018 15:21
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package modules {
// Modules examples taken from
// see
// structure IntLT = struct
// type t = int
// val lt = (op <)
// val eq = (op =)
// end
object IntLT {
type t = Int
def lt(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n < m
def eq_(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n == m
// structure IntDiv = struct
// type t = int
// fun lt (m, n) = (n mod m = 0)
// val eq = (op =)
// end
object IntDiv {
type t = Int
def lt(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = (n % m) == 0
def eq_(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n == m
object IntStructTests {
// The type of is
// IntLT.t * IntLT.t -> bool,
val testLTltType: (IntLT.t, IntLT.t) => Boolean = _
val testLTDivType: (IntDiv.t, IntDiv.t) => Boolean = _
// Since IntLT.t and are both bound to the type int, it is technically correct to consider IntLt.t to be of type
// IntDiv.t * IntDiv.t -> bool
val testLTltEquallity: (IntLT.t, IntLT.t) => Boolean = _
// and also of type
// int * int -> bool.
val testLTIntEquallity: (Int, Int) => Boolean = _
// This can be alleviated by opening the structure for use in a particular context
def ltAndEq(exp1: Int, exp2: Int, exp3: Int, exp4: Int): Boolean = {
import IntDiv._
lt(exp1, exp2) && eq_(exp3, exp4)
// The typical compromise is to introduce a short (typically one letter) name for the structures in question to minimize the clutter of a long path. Thus we might write
def ltAndEqI(exp1: Int, exp2: Int, exp3: Int, exp4: Int): Boolean = {
import modules.{IntDiv => I}, exp2) && I.eq_(exp3, exp4)
// structure PersQueue = struct
// type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
// val empty = (nil, nil)
// fun insert (x, (bs, fs)) = (x::bs, fs)
// exception Empty
// fun remove (nil, nil) = raise Empty
// | remove (bs, f::fs) = (f, (bs, fs))
// | remove (bs, nil) = remove (nil, rev bs)
// end
object PersQueue {
type Queue[A] = (List[A], List[A])
val empty = (Nil, Nil)
def insert[A](a: A, q: Queue[A]) = (a :: q._1, q._2)
object Empty extends Exception // ?
def remove[A](q: Queue[A]): (A, Queue[A]) = q match {
case (Nil, Nil) => throw Empty
case (bs, f :: fs) => (f, (bs, fs))
case (bs, nil) => remove ((nil, bs.reverse))
object PersQueueTests {
val q = PersQueue.empty
val q1 = PersQueue.insert(1, q)
val q2 = PersQueue.insert(2, q)
val (x2, _) = PersQueue.remove(q2)
val (x1, _) = PersQueue.remove(q1)
* Signatures
// signature ORDERED = sig
// type t
// val lt : t * t -> bool
// val eq : t * t -> bool
// end
trait ORDERED {
type T
def lt(t0: T, t1: T): Boolean
def eq_(t0: T, t1: T): Boolean
// signature INT_ORDERED = sig
// type t = int
// val lt : t * t -> bool
// val eq : t * t -> bool
// end
type T = Int
def lt(t0: Int, t1: Int): Boolean
def eq_(t0: Int, t1: Int): Boolean
// signature QUEUE = sig
// type 'a queue
// val empty : 'a queue
// val insert : 'a * 'a queue -> 'a queue
// exception Empty
// val remove : 'a queue -> 'a * 'a queue
// end
trait QUEUE {
type Queue[_]
def empty[A]: Queue[A]
def insert[A](a: A, q: Queue[A]): Queue[A]
trait Empty extends Exception
def remove[A](q: Queue[A]): (A, Queue[A])
* Signature Ascription
object TransparentAscription {
// structure IntLT : ORDERED = struct
// type t = int
// val lt = (op <)
// val eq = (op =)
// end
val IntLt =
type T = Int
def lt(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n < m
def eq_(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n == m
// structure IntDiv : ORDERED = struct
// type t = int
// fun lt (m, n) = (n mod m = 0)
// val eq = (op =)
// end
val IntDiv =
type T = Int
def lt(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = (n % m) == 0
def eq_(n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = n == m
object OpaqueAscription {
// structure Queue :> QUEUE = struct
// type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
// val empty = (nil, nil)
// fun insert (x, (bs, fs)) = (x::bs, fs)
// exception Empty
// fun remove (nil, nil) = raise Empty
// | remove (bs, f::fs) = (f, (bs, fs))
// | remove (bs, nil) = remove (nil, rev bs)
// end
val Queue: QUEUE = new QUEUE {
type Queue[A] = (List[A], List[A])
def empty[A] = (Nil, Nil)
def insert[A](a: A, q: Queue[A]) = (a :: q._1, q._2)
object Empty extends Queue.Empty
def remove[A](q: Queue[A]): (A, Queue[A]) = q match {
case (Nil, Nil) => throw Empty
case (bs, f :: fs) => (f, (bs, fs))
case (bs, nil) => remove ((nil, bs.reverse))
import shapeless.test.illTyped
// Opaque ascription is so-called because the definition of 'a Queue.queue is hidden by the binding;
// the equivalence of the types 'a Queue.queue and 'a list * 'a list is not propagated into the scope of the binding
val x: Queue.Queue[Int] = (List[Int](1), List[Int](2))
val y: (List[Int], List[Int]) = Queue.empty[Int]
* Functors
object Functors {
// functor DictFun
// (structure K : ORDERED) :>
// DICT where type Key.t = K.t =
// struct
// structure Key : ORDERED = K
// datatype ’a dict =
// Empty |
// Node of ’a dict * Key.t * ’a * ’a dict
// val empty = Empty
// fun insert (None, k, v) =
// Node (Empty, k, v, Empty)
// fun lookup (Empty, ) = NONE
// | lookup (Node (dl, l, v, dr), k) =
// if, l) then
// lookup (dl, k)
// else if (l, k) then
// lookup (dr, k)
// else
// v
// end
trait DictFun {
type K
val Ordered: ORDERED { type T = K }
sealed trait Dict[A]
final class Empty[A] extends Dict[A]
final class Node[A](val key: K, val value: A, val n: Dict[A]) extends Dict[A]
def empty[A] = new Empty[A]
def insert[A](d: Dict[A], k: K, a: A) = ???
def lookup[A](d: Dict[A], k: K) = ???
object DictFun {
def apply[K0](o: ORDERED { type T = K0 }) =
new DictFun {
type K = K0
val Ordered = o
val IntLtDict = DictFun[Int](TransparentAscription.IntLt)
val IntDivDict = DictFun[Int](TransparentAscription.IntDiv)
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