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Last active May 15, 2018 20:54
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module Record
import Data.List
%default total
data IsSet : List t -> Type where
IsSetNil : IsSet []
IsSetCons : Not (Elem x xs) -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
data HList : List Type -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : a -> HList xs -> HList (a :: xs)
infix 5 :=
data Field : lbl -> Type -> Type where
(:=) : (label : lbl) ->
(value : b) -> Field label b
labelsOf : List (lbl, Type) -> List lbl
labelsOf = map fst
Record : (xs : List (lbl, Type)) -> IsSet (labelsOf xs) -> Type
Record xs prf =
let toField = \(label, t) => Field label t
types = map toField xs in
HList types
rnil : Record [] IsSetNil
rnil = Nil
infixr 6 +:
(+:) : Field lbl t ->
Record xs xsIsSet ->
(prf : Not (Elem lbl (labelsOf xs))) ->
Record ((lbl, t) :: xs) (IsSetCons prf xsIsSet)
(+:) f rec _ = f :: rec
-- foo : Record [('Book, String), ('Year, Integer)]
-- foo = ('Book := "yolo") +: ('Year := 1234) +: rnil
Idris> :l record.idr
Type checking ./record.idr
43 | (+:) f rec _ = f :: rec
| ~~
When checking right hand side of +: with expected type
Record ((lbl, t) :: xs) (IsSetCons prf xsIsSet)
When checking an application of constructor Record.:::
Type mismatch between
Record xs xsIsSet (Type of rec)
HList (Prelude.List.List implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\lamp => case lamp of (label, t) => Field label t) xs) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Prelude.List.List implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\lamp => case lamp of (label, t) => Field label t) xs
Prelude.List.List implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\lamp => case lamp of (label, t) => Field label t) xs
Holes: Record.+:
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