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Last active August 18, 2020 12:41
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Vapor ErrorUIMiddleware - It's for Vapor 3. It is outdated, and likely not to work with Vapor 4.
import Vapor
public final class ErrorUIMiddleware: Middleware, Service {
private struct ErrorResponseBody {
private init() {}
static let templateKitError = errorMessage("UI rendering failed", "sorry, an error occured while rendering UI.")
static let errorMessage: (String, String...) -> String = { (title: String, messages: String...) in
var returnMessage = "<h1>\(title)</h1>"
for message in messages {
returnMessage += "<p>\(message)</p>"
return returnMessage
public func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> Future<Response> {
do {
return try next.respond(to: request).flatMap { response in
if response.http.status.code >= 400 {
return try self.presentErrorView(for: request, error: Abort(response.http.status))
} else {
return try response.encode(for: request)
}.catchFlatMap { try self.presentErrorView(for: request, error: $0) }
} catch {
return try presentErrorView(for: request, error: error)
private func presentErrorView(for request: Request, error: Error) throws -> Future<Response> {
do {
let logger = try request.make(Logger.self)
switch error {
case _ where error is AbortError && (error as! AbortError).status == .notFound:
return try renderErrorView(for: request, error: error as! AbortError)
case _ where error is AbortError:
let abortError = error as! AbortError abortError)
return try renderErrorView(for: request, error: error as! AbortError)
default: error)
return try renderErrorView(for: request, error: Abort(.internalServerError))
} catch {
print("Internal Server Error while rendering error view: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return try renderErrorView(for: request, error: Abort(.internalServerError))
private func renderErrorView(for request: Request, error: AbortError) throws -> Future<Response> {
let errorContext = ErrorContext(code: error.status.code, description: error.reason)
return try request.view().render("error", ["error": errorContext]).encode(status: error.status, for: request).catchFlatMap { _ in
return ErrorResponseBody.templateKitError.encode(status: error.status, for: request).map { response in
response.http.contentType = MediaType.html
return response
private struct ErrorContext: Content {
let code: UInt
let description: String
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How to configure:

  1. Register ErrorUIMiddleware as service by services.register(ErrorUIMiddleware()).
  2. Then register it as middleware by middlewares.use(ErrorUIMiddleware.self).

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