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Created October 1, 2014 16:42
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Dates for the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur from 1900 to 2020.


A CSV data file with dates for the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur from 1900 to 2020.

Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur
1900-09-24 1900-10-03
1901-09-14 1901-09-23
1902-10-02 1902-10-11
1903-09-22 1903-10-01
1904-09-10 1904-09-19
1905-09-30 1905-10-09
1906-09-20 1906-09-29
1907-09-09 1907-09-18
1908-09-26 1908-10-05
1909-09-16 1909-09-25
1910-10-04 1910-10-13
1911-09-23 1911-10-02
1912-09-12 1912-09-21
1913-10-02 1913-10-11
1914-09-21 1914-09-30
1915-09-09 1915-09-18
1916-09-28 1916-10-07
1917-09-17 1917-09-26
1918-09-07 1918-09-16
1919-09-25 1919-10-04
1920-09-13 1920-09-22
1921-10-03 1921-10-12
1922-09-23 1922-10-02
1923-09-11 1923-09-20
1924-09-29 1924-10-08
1925-09-19 1925-09-28
1926-09-09 1926-09-18
1927-09-27 1927-10-06
1928-09-15 1928-09-24
1929-10-05 1929-10-14
1930-09-23 1930-10-02
1931-09-12 1931-09-21
1932-10-01 1932-10-10
1933-09-21 1933-09-30
1934-09-10 1934-09-19
1935-09-28 1935-10-07
1936-09-17 1936-09-26
1937-09-06 1937-09-15
1938-09-26 1938-10-05
1939-09-14 1939-09-23
1940-10-03 1940-10-12
1941-09-22 1941-10-01
1942-09-12 1942-09-21
1943-09-30 1943-10-09
1944-09-18 1944-09-27
1945-09-08 1945-09-17
1946-09-26 1946-10-05
1947-09-16 1947-09-25
1948-10-04 1948-10-13
1949-09-24 1949-10-03
1950-09-12 1950-09-21
1951-10-01 1951-10-10
1952-09-20 1952-09-29
1953-09-10 1953-09-19
1954-09-28 1954-10-07
1955-09-17 1955-09-26
1956-09-06 1956-09-15
1957-09-26 1957-10-05
1958-09-15 1958-09-24
1959-10-03 1959-10-12
1960-09-22 1960-10-01
1961-09-11 1961-09-20
1962-09-29 1962-10-08
1963-09-19 1963-09-28
1964-09-07 1964-09-16
1965-09-27 1965-10-06
1966-09-15 1966-09-24
1967-10-05 1967-10-14
1968-09-23 1968-10-02
1969-09-13 1969-09-22
1970-10-01 1970-10-10
1971-09-20 1971-09-29
1972-09-09 1972-09-18
1973-09-27 1973-10-06
1974-09-17 1974-09-26
1975-09-06 1975-09-15
1976-09-25 1976-10-04
1977-09-13 1977-09-22
1978-10-02 1978-10-11
1979-09-22 1979-10-01
1980-09-11 1980-09-20
1981-09-29 1981-10-08
1982-09-18 1982-09-27
1983-09-08 1983-09-17
1984-09-27 1984-10-06
1985-09-16 1985-09-25
1986-10-04 1986-10-13
1987-09-24 1987-10-03
1988-09-12 1988-09-21
1989-09-30 1989-10-09
1990-09-20 1990-09-29
1991-09-09 1991-09-18
1992-09-28 1992-10-07
1993-09-16 1993-09-25
1994-09-06 1994-09-15
1995-09-25 1995-10-04
1996-09-14 1996-09-23
1997-10-02 1997-10-11
1998-09-21 1998-09-30
1999-09-11 1999-09-20
2000-09-30 2000-10-09
2001-09-18 2001-09-27
2002-09-07 2002-09-16
2003-09-27 2003-10-06
2004-09-16 2004-09-25
2005-10-04 2005-10-13
2006-09-23 2006-10-02
2007-09-13 2007-09-22
2008-09-30 2008-10-09
2009-09-19 2009-09-28
2010-09-09 2010-09-18
2011-09-29 2011-10-08
2012-09-17 2012-09-26
2013-09-05 2013-09-14
2014-09-25 2014-10-04
2015-09-14 2015-09-23
2016-10-03 2016-10-12
2017-09-21 2017-09-30
2018-09-10 2018-09-19
2019-09-30 2019-10-09
2020-09-19 2020-09-28
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line 49 - (1947) is one day off.
it should read:
1947-09-15 1947-09-24

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