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Created November 5, 2014 10:45
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  • Save jtomaszewski/580c11a35b7510bb220e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jtomaszewski/580c11a35b7510bb220e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A cloned `ionic.views.Slider` and `slideBox` directive to `ionic.views.verticalSlider` and `verticalSlideBox`: it was done just by renaming "x, y, left, right" strings into "y, x, top, bottom". It works correctly ;)
var IonicModule = angular.module('ionic'),
extend = angular.extend,
forEach = angular.forEach,
isDefined = angular.isDefined,
isString = angular.isString,
jqLite = angular.element;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionVerticalSlideBox
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicSlideBoxDelegate
* @restrict E
* @description
* The Slide Box is a multi-page container where each page can be swiped or dragged between:
* ![SlideBox](
* @usage
* ```html
* <ion-vertical-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideHasChanged($index)">
* <ion-vertical-slide>
* <div class="box blue"><h1>BLUE</h1></div>
* </ion-vertical-slide>
* <ion-vertical-slide>
* <div class="box yellow"><h1>YELLOW</h1></div>
* </ion-vertical-slide>
* <ion-vertical-slide>
* <div class="box pink"><h1>PINK</h1></div>
* </ion-vertical-slide>
* </ion-vertical-slide-box>
* ```
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this slideBox
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicSlideBoxDelegate}.
* @param {boolean=} does-continue Whether the slide box should automatically slide.
* @param {number=} slide-interval How many milliseconds to wait to change slides (if does-continue is true). Defaults to 4000.
* @param {boolean=} show-pager Whether a pager should be shown for this slide box.
* @param {expression=} pager-click Expression to call when a pager is clicked (if show-pager is true). Is passed the 'index' variable.
* @param {expression=} on-slide-changed Expression called whenever the slide is changed. Is passed an '$index' variable.
* @param {expression=} active-slide Model to bind the current slide to.
.directive('ionVerticalSlideBox', [
function($timeout, $compile, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
scope: {
doesContinue: '@',
slideInterval: '@',
showPager: '@',
pagerClick: '&',
disableScroll: '@',
onSlideChanged: '&',
activeSlide: '=?'
controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var _this = this;
var continuous = $scope.$eval($scope.doesContinue) === true;
var slideInterval = continuous ? $scope.$eval($scope.slideInterval) || 4000 : 0;
var slider = new ionic.views.VerticalSlider({
el: $element[0],
auto: slideInterval,
continuous: continuous,
startSlide: $scope.activeSlide,
slidesChanged: function() {
$scope.currentSlide = slider.currentIndex();
// Try to trigger a digest
$timeout(function() {});
callback: function(slideIndex) {
$scope.currentSlide = slideIndex;
$scope.onSlideChanged({ index: $scope.currentSlide, $index: $scope.currentSlide});
$scope.$parent.$broadcast('slideBox.slideChanged', slideIndex);
$scope.activeSlide = slideIndex;
// Try to trigger a digest
$timeout(function() {});
slider.enableSlide($scope.$eval($attrs.disableScroll) !== true);
$scope.$watch('activeSlide', function(nv) {
$scope.$on('slideBox.nextSlide', function() {;
$scope.$on('slideBox.prevSlide', function() {
$scope.$on('slideBox.setSlide', function(e, index) {
//Exposed for testing
this.__slider = slider;
var deregisterInstance = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate._registerInstance(slider, $attrs.delegateHandle);
$scope.$on('$destroy', deregisterInstance);
this.slidesCount = function() {
return slider.slidesCount();
this.onPagerClick = function(index) {
console.log('pagerClick', index);
$scope.pagerClick({index: index});
$timeout(function() {
template: '<div class="slider">' +
'<div class="slider-slides" ng-transclude>' +
'</div>' +
link: function($scope, $element, $attr, slideBoxCtrl) {
// If the pager should show, append it to the slide box
if($scope.$eval($scope.showPager) !== false) {
var childScope = $scope.$new();
var pager = jqLite('<ion-pager></ion-pager>');
.directive('ionVerticalSlide', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^ionVerticalSlideBox',
compile: function(element, attr) {
return function($scope, $element, $attr) {
.directive('ionVerticalPager', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: '^ionVerticalSlideBox',
template: '<div class="slider-pager"><span class="slider-pager-page" ng-repeat="slide in numSlides() track by $index" ng-class="{active: $index == currentSlide}" ng-click="pagerClick($index)"><i class="icon ion-record"></i></span></div>',
link: function($scope, $element, $attr, slideBox) {
var selectPage = function(index) {
var children = $element[0].children;
var length = children.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if(i == index) {
} else {
$scope.pagerClick = function(index) {
$scope.numSlides = function() {
return new Array(slideBox.slidesCount());
$scope.$watch('currentSlide', function(v) {
// AFAIR, it's based on ionic v1.0.0-beta.11
(function(ionic) {
'use strict';
ionic.views.VerticalSlider = ionic.views.View.inherit({
initialize: function (options) {
var slider = this;
// utilities
var noop = function() {}; // simple no operation function
var offloadFn = function(fn) { setTimeout(fn || noop, 0); }; // offload a functions execution
// check browser capabilities
var browser = {
addEventListener: !!window.addEventListener,
touch: ('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch,
transitions: (function(temp) {
var props = ['transitionProperty', 'WebkitTransition', 'MozTransition', 'OTransition', 'msTransition'];
for ( var i in props ) if ([ props[i] ] !== undefined) return true;
return false;
var container = options.el;
// quit if no root element
if (!container) return;
var element = container.children[0];
var slides, slidePos, height, length;
options = options || {};
var index = parseInt(options.startSlide, 10) || 0;
var speed = options.speed || 300;
options.continuous = options.continuous !== undefined ? options.continuous : true;
function setup() {
// cache slides
slides = element.children;
length = slides.length;
// set continuous to false if only one slide
if (slides.length < 2) options.continuous = false;
//special case if two slides
if (browser.transitions && options.continuous && slides.length < 3) {
slides = element.children;
// create an array to store current positions of each slide
slidePos = new Array(slides.length);
// determine height of each slide
height = container.getBoundingClientRect().height || container.offsetHeight; = (slides.length * height) + 'px';
// stack elements
var pos = slides.length;
while(pos--) {
var slide = slides[pos]; = height + 'px';
slide.setAttribute('data-index', pos);
if (browser.transitions) { = (pos * -height) + 'px';
move(pos, index > pos ? -height : (index < pos ? height : 0), 0);
// reposition elements before and after index
if (options.continuous && browser.transitions) {
move(circle(index-1), -height, 0);
move(circle(index+1), height, 0);
if (!browser.transitions) = (index * -height) + 'px'; = 'visible';
options.slidesChanged && options.slidesChanged();
function prev() {
if (options.continuous) slide(index-1);
else if (index) slide(index-1);
function next() {
if (options.continuous) slide(index+1);
else if (index < slides.length - 1) slide(index+1);
function circle(index) {
// a simple positive modulo using slides.length
return (slides.length + (index % slides.length)) % slides.length;
function slide(to, slideSpeed) {
// do nothing if already on requested slide
if (index == to) return;
if (browser.transitions) {
var direction = Math.abs(index-to) / (index-to); // 1: backward, -1: forward
// get the actual position of the slide
if (options.continuous) {
var natural_direction = direction;
direction = -slidePos[circle(to)] / height;
// if going forward but to < index, use to = slides.length + to
// if going backward but to > index, use to = -slides.length + to
if (direction !== natural_direction) to = -direction * slides.length + to;
var diff = Math.abs(index-to) - 1;
// move all the slides between index and to in the bottom direction
while (diff--) move( circle((to > index ? to : index) - diff - 1), height * direction, 0);
to = circle(to);
move(index, height * direction, slideSpeed || speed);
move(to, 0, slideSpeed || speed);
if (options.continuous) move(circle(to - direction), -(height * direction), 0); // we need to get the next in place
} else {
to = circle(to);
animate(index * -height, to * -height, slideSpeed || speed);
//no fallback for a circular continuous if the browser does not accept transitions
index = to;
offloadFn(options.callback && options.callback(index, slides[index]));
function move(index, dist, speed) {
translate(index, dist, speed);
slidePos[index] = dist;
function translate(index, dist, speed) {
var slide = slides[index];
var style = slide &&;
if (!style) return;
style.webkitTransitionDuration =
style.MozTransitionDuration =
style.msTransitionDuration =
style.OTransitionDuration =
style.transitionDuration = speed + 'ms';
style.webkitTransform = 'translate(0,' + dist + 'px)' + 'translateZ(0)';
style.msTransform =
style.MozTransform =
style.OTransform = 'translateY(' + dist + 'px)';
function animate(from, to, speed) {
// if not an animation, just reposition
if (!speed) { = to + 'px';
var start = +new Date();
var timer = setInterval(function() {
var timeElap = +new Date() - start;
if (timeElap > speed) { = to + 'px';
if (delay) begin();
options.transitionEnd &&, index, slides[index]);
} = (( (to - from) * (Math.floor((timeElap / speed) * 100) / 100) ) + from) + 'px';
}, 4);
// setup auto slideshow
var delay = || 0;
var interval;
function begin() {
interval = setTimeout(next, delay);
function stop() {
delay = || 0;
// setup initial vars
var start = {};
var delta = {};
var isScrolling;
// setup event capturing
var events = {
handleEvent: function(event) {
if(event.type == 'mousedown' || event.type == 'mouseup' || event.type == 'mousemove') {
event.touches = [{
pageY: event.pageY,
pageX: event.pageX
switch (event.type) {
case 'mousedown': this.start(event); break;
case 'touchstart': this.start(event); break;
case 'touchmove': this.touchmove(event); break;
case 'mousemove': this.touchmove(event); break;
case 'touchend': offloadFn(this.end(event)); break;
case 'mouseup': offloadFn(this.end(event)); break;
case 'webkitTransitionEnd':
case 'msTransitionEnd':
case 'oTransitionEnd':
case 'otransitionend':
case 'transitionend': offloadFn(this.transitionEnd(event)); break;
case 'resize': offloadFn(setup); break;
if (options.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
start: function(event) {
var touches = event.touches[0];
// measure start values
start = {
// get initial touch coords
y: touches.pageY,
x: touches.pageX,
// store time to determine touch duration
time: +new Date()
// used for testing first move event
isScrolling = undefined;
// reset delta and end measurements
delta = {};
// attach touchmove and touchend listeners
if(browser.touch) {
element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false);
element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false);
} else {
element.addEventListener('mousemove', this, false);
element.addEventListener('mouseup', this, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, false);
touchmove: function(event) {
// ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching
// ensure sliding is enabled
if (event.touches.length > 1 ||
event.scale && event.scale !== 1 ||
slider.slideIsDisabled) {
if (options.disableScroll) event.preventDefault();
var touches = event.touches[0];
// measure change in y and x
delta = {
y: touches.pageY - start.y,
x: touches.pageX - start.x
// determine if scrolling test has run - one time test
if ( typeof isScrolling == 'undefined') {
isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(delta.y) < Math.abs(delta.x) );
// if user is not trying to scroll vertically
if (!isScrolling) {
// prevent native scrolling
// stop slideshow
// increase resistance if first or last slide
if (options.continuous) { // we don't add resistance at the end
translate(circle(index-1), delta.y + slidePos[circle(index-1)], 0);
translate(index, delta.y + slidePos[index], 0);
translate(circle(index+1), delta.y + slidePos[circle(index+1)], 0);
} else {
delta.y =
delta.y /
( (!index && delta.y > 0 || // if first slide and sliding top
index == slides.length - 1 && // or if last slide and sliding bottom
delta.y < 0 // and if sliding at all
) ?
( Math.abs(delta.y) / height + 1 ) // determine resistance level
: 1 ); // no resistance if false
// translate 1:1
translate(index-1, delta.y + slidePos[index-1], 0);
translate(index, delta.y + slidePos[index], 0);
translate(index+1, delta.y + slidePos[index+1], 0);
end: function(event) {
// measure duration
var duration = +new Date() - start.time;
// determine if slide attempt triggers next/prev slide
var isValidSlide =
Number(duration) < 250 && // if slide duration is less than 250ms
Math.abs(delta.y) > 20 || // and if slide amt is greater than 20px
Math.abs(delta.y) > height/2; // or if slide amt is greater than half the height
// determine if slide attempt is past start and end
var isPastBounds = (!index && delta.y > 0) || // if first slide and slide amt is greater than 0
(index == slides.length - 1 && delta.y < 0); // or if last slide and slide amt is less than 0
if (options.continuous) isPastBounds = false;
// determine direction of swipe (true:bottom, false:top)
var direction = delta.y < 0;
// if not scrolling vertically
if (!isScrolling) {
if (isValidSlide && !isPastBounds) {
if (direction) {
if (options.continuous) { // we need to get the next in this direction in place
move(circle(index-1), -height, 0);
move(circle(index+2), height, 0);
} else {
move(index-1, -height, 0);
move(index, slidePos[index]-height, speed);
move(circle(index+1), slidePos[circle(index+1)]-height, speed);
index = circle(index+1);
} else {
if (options.continuous) { // we need to get the next in this direction in place
move(circle(index+1), height, 0);
move(circle(index-2), -height, 0);
} else {
move(index+1, height, 0);
move(index, slidePos[index]+height, speed);
move(circle(index-1), slidePos[circle(index-1)]+height, speed);
index = circle(index-1);
options.callback && options.callback(index, slides[index]);
} else {
if (options.continuous) {
move(circle(index-1), -height, speed);
move(index, 0, speed);
move(circle(index+1), height, speed);
} else {
move(index-1, -height, speed);
move(index, 0, speed);
move(index+1, height, speed);
// kill touchmove and touchend event listeners until touchstart called again
if(browser.touch) {
element.removeEventListener('touchmove', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('touchend', events, false);
} else {
element.removeEventListener('mousemove', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('mouseup', events, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', events, false);
transitionEnd: function(event) {
if (parseInt('data-index'), 10) == index) {
if (delay) begin();
options.transitionEnd &&, index, slides[index]);
// Public API
this.update = function() {
this.setup = function() {
this.enableSlide = function(shouldEnable) {
if (arguments.length) {
this.slideIsDisabled = !shouldEnable;
return !this.slideIsDisabled;
this.slide = function(to, speed) {
// cancel slideshow
slide(to, speed);
this.prev = this.previous = function() {
// cancel slideshow
}; = function() {
// cancel slideshow
this.stop = function() {
// cancel slideshow
this.start = function() {
this.currentIndex = function() {
// return current index position
return index;
this.slidesCount = function() {
// return total number of slides
return length;
this.kill = function() {
// cancel slideshow
// reset element = ''; = '';
// reset slides
var pos = slides.length;
while(pos--) {
var slide = slides[pos]; = ''; = '';
if (browser.transitions) translate(pos, 0, 0);
// removed event listeners
if (browser.addEventListener) {
// remove current event listeners
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('msTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('oTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('otransitionend', events, false);
element.removeEventListener('transitionend', events, false);
window.removeEventListener('resize', events, false);
else {
window.onresize = null;
this.load = function() {
// trigger setup
// start auto slideshow if applicable
if (delay) begin();
// add event listeners
if (browser.addEventListener) {
// set touchstart event on element
if (browser.touch) {
element.addEventListener('touchstart', events, false);
} else {
element.addEventListener('mousedown', events, false);
if (browser.transitions) {
element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.addEventListener('msTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.addEventListener('oTransitionEnd', events, false);
element.addEventListener('otransitionend', events, false);
element.addEventListener('transitionend', events, false);
// set resize event on window
window.addEventListener('resize', events, false);
} else {
window.onresize = function () { setup(); }; // to play nice with old IE
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