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Last active October 5, 2021 15:44
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Onboarding Check and reroute
import Head from 'next/head';
import 'styles/globals.css';
import { Nav, RouteGuard } from 'components';
export default App;
function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<title>Next.js 11 - Basic HTTP Authentication Example</title>
{/* eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-css-tags */}
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
<div className="app-container bg-light">
<Nav />
<div className="container pt-4 pb-4">
<Component {...pageProps} />
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { userService } from 'services';
export { RouteGuard };
// Rather than authorized / setAuthorized we want to query attendee profile 'onboarding complete'
function RouteGuard({ children }) {
const router = useRouter();
const [authorized, setAuthorized] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
// on initial load - run auth check
// on route change start - hide page content by setting authorized to false
const hideContent = () => setAuthorized(false);'routeChangeStart', hideContent);
// on route change complete - run auth check'routeChangeComplete', authCheck)
// unsubscribe from events in useEffect return function
return () => {'routeChangeStart', hideContent);'routeChangeComplete', authCheck);
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);
function authCheck(url) {
// redirect to login page if accessing a private page and not logged in
const publicPaths = ['/login'];
const path = url.split('?')[0];
if (!userService.userValue && !publicPaths.includes(path)) {
pathname: '/login',
query: { returnUrl: router.asPath }
} else {
return (authorized && children);
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