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Last active May 8, 2019 11:37
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  • Save jtomori/6b690e60d2399ba9198019ee7d3e9fa6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jtomori/6b690e60d2399ba9198019ee7d3e9fa6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Save as New Version" tool in Houdini right-click menu on nodes, for
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scriptItem id="opmenu.save_as_new_version">
<label>Save as New Version</label>
node = kwargs["node"]
if node.matchesCurrentDefinition():
return False
if not node.isNetwork():
return False
hda_def = node.type().definition()
if not hda_def:
return False
options = hda_def.options()
if not options.lockContents():
return False
if node.isInsideLockedHDA() and not node.isEditableInsideLockedHDA():
return False
if hou.hda.safeguardHDAs():
return False
if not node.type().isWritable():
return False
if not node.type().areContentsViewable():
return False
return True
# unlocked node
unlocked_node = kwargs["node"]
unlocked_def = unlocked_node.type().definition()
current_name = unlocked_node.type().name()
# disk path of asset
asset_path = unlocked_def.libraryFilePath()
# get new name and save a new version
choice, new_name = hou.ui.readInput(message="Please enter new node name", title="New name", buttons=("OK", "Cancel"), close_choice=1, initial_contents=current_name)
if choice == 0:
node_type_category = unlocked_node.type().category()
unlocked_def.copyToHDAFile(asset_path, new_name=new_name)
# get definition of new version and update from unlocked node
new_type = hou.nodeType(node_type_category, new_name)
new_def = new_type.definition()
# change unlocked node to the new definition and match current definition
unlocked_node = unlocked_node.changeNodeType(new_name)
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