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Last active November 24, 2015 23:28
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alias huh='cat ~/.bash_aliases'
alias cli='~/bin/bitcoin-cli'
alias gbc='cli getblockcount'
alias gp='cli getpeerinfo'
alias gps='cli getpeerinfo | grep subver'
alias gb='cli getblock'
alias gbh='cli getblockhash'
alias gbb='gb `cli getbestblockhash` | less'
alias empi='echo `cli getmempoolinfo`'
alias genon='cli setgenerate true 1'
alias genoff='cli setgenerate false 1'
alias tailfd='tail -f ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/debug.log'
alias lessdeb='less ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/debug.log'
alias rebroadcast='for line in `cli getrawmempool | sed -e '"'"'s/[[{,"}]//g'"'"' | sed -e '"'"'s/]//g'"'"'`; do cli sendrawtransaction `cli getrawtransaction $line`; done'
alias spam1='function _spam1(){ for i in `seq 1 $3`; do cli sendtoaddress $1 $2; done; };_spam1'
alias grd='function _grd(){ grep $1 $2 ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/debug.log; };_grd'
alias publish='tail -f ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/debug.log | nc 9000'
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