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Created December 1, 2012 05:29
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Terrarum - apt infrastructure
class { 'acng::client':
server => '',
class { 'acng::server': }
class { 'apache': }
apache::vhost { 'localpkgs':
port => '80',
docroot => '/var/lib/apt/repo/localpkgs',
servername => '',
require => Reprepro::Distribution['precise'],
file { '/var/lib/apt/repo/localpkgs/localpkgs.gpg':
ensure => present,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'reprepro',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/reprepro/localpkgs.gpg',
require => Apache::Vhost['localpkgs'],
class { 'apt_mirror': }
apt_mirror::mirror { 'ubuntu precise':
mirror => '',
os => 'ubuntu',
release => 'precise',
components => ['main', 'contrib'],
apt::source { 'localpkgs':
location => '',
release => 'precise',
repos => 'main contrib non-free',
key => 'F4D5DAA8',
key_source => '',
include_src => false,
$basedir = '/var/lib/apt/repo'
class { 'reprepro':
basedir => $basedir,
reprepro::repository { 'localpkgs':
ensure => present,
basedir => $basedir,
options => ['basedir .'],
reprepro::distribution { 'precise':
basedir => $basedir,
repository => 'localpkgs',
origin => 'Foobar',
label => 'Foobar',
suite => 'stable',
architectures => 'amd64 i386',
components => 'main contrib non-free',
description => 'Package repository for local site maintenance',
sign_with => 'F4D5DAA8',
not_automatic => 'No',
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