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Last active February 20, 2020 11:48
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Bash script to bootstrap a Puppet Server
# Set up acng client
echo "Acquire::http { Proxy \"\"; };" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01-acng
# Set up proper hostname
echo $(hostname) $(hostname) >> /etc/hosts
# Installing curl and wget
apt-get update
apt-get install -y curl wget
cd /root
dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
rm puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
apt-get update
echo "Installing Puppet, Rake, Ruby 1.9"
apt-get install -y git rake ruby puppet
mkdir -p /etc/facter/facts.d
# Not really needed. But kept for notes
#echo "Installing and configuring Java 8"
#add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
#echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
#apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
echo "Initial changes to puppet.conf"
sed -i '/templatedir/d' /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
puppet config set --section main parser future
puppet config set --section main evaluator current
puppet config set --section main ordering manifest
echo "Starting Puppet Master to generate certs"
puppet master --verbose
sleep 5
echo "Killing Puppet Master"
pkill -9 puppet
echo "Installing PuppetDB"
cd /etc/puppet/modules
puppet module install puppetlabs/puppetdb
cd /root
echo include puppetdb > pdb.pp
echo include puppetdb::master::config >> pdb.pp
puppet apply --verbose pdb.pp
sleep 5
puppet apply --verbose pdb.pp
rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/*
rm /root/pdb.pp
echo "Setting up Directory Environments"
puppet config set --section main environmentpath \$confdir/environments
mkdir -p $PROD/{modules,local,manifests}
mkdir -p $SITE/{files,templates,manifests,ext,data}
mkdir $SITE/manifests/{roles,profiles}
echo modulepath = modules:local > $PROD/environment.conf
mv /etc/puppet/puppet.conf $SITE/ext
ln -s $SITE/ext/puppet.conf /etc/puppet/
echo "Installing r10k"
gem install deep_merge
gem install r10k
echo "Configuring Hiera"
cat > $SITE/ext/hiera.yaml <<EOF
- yaml
- "nodes/%{::fqdn}"
- "osfamily/%{::osfamily}"
- "locations/%{::location}"
- "common"
:datadir: "/etc/puppet/environments/%{::environment}/local/site/data"
mkdir $SITE/data/nodes
mkdir $SITE/data/locations
ln -s $SITE/ext/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet
rm /etc/hiera.yaml
ln -s $SITE/ext/hiera.yaml /etc/
echo "Creating a standard Puppetfile"
cat > $SITE/ext/Puppetfile <<EOF
forge ''
mod 'apache',
:git => ''
mod 'apt',
:git => '',
:ref => '1.5.0'
mod 'vcsrepo',
:git => '',
:ref => '1.0.0'
mod 'concat',
:git => '',
:ref => '1.1.0'
mod 'ntp',
:git => '',
:ref => '3.1.0'
mod 'puppetdb',
:git => '',
:ref => '3.0.1'
mod 'postgresql',
:git => '',
:ref => '3.3.3'
mod 'stdlib',
:git => '',
:ref => '4.2.2'
mod 'inifile',
:git => '',
:ref => '1.0.4'
mod 'puppet',
:git => ''
ln -s $SITE/ext/Puppetfile $PROD
echo "Running r10k on the Puppetfile"
cd $PROD
r10k puppetfile install
echo "Configuring the Puppet Master"
cat > $SITE/manifests/roles/base.pp <<EOF
class site::roles::base {
mkdir -p $SITE/manifests/roles/puppet
cat > $SITE/manifests/roles/puppet/master.pp <<EOF
class site::roles::puppet::master {
include ::apache
include ::apache::mod::ssl
include ::apache::mod::passenger
include ::puppet
include ::puppet::master
include ::puppetdb
include ::puppetdb::master::config
fqdn=$(facter fqdn)
cat > $SITE/data/common.yaml <<EOF
server: '${fqdn}'
environmentpath: '\$confdir/environments'
parser: 'future'
evaluator: 'current'
ordering: 'manifest'
pluginsync: true
logdir: '/var/log/puppet'
vardir: '/var/lib/puppet'
ssldir: '/var/lib/puppet/ssl'
rundir: '/var/run/puppet'
certname: "%{::fqdn}"
show_diff: true
splay: false
configtimeout: 360
usecacheonfailure: true
report: true
environment: "%{::environment}"
cat > $SITE/data/nodes/${fqdn}.yaml <<EOF
puppet::master::servertype: 'passenger'
ca: true
cat > $SITE/ext/site.pp <<EOF
node base {
include site::roles::base
node '${fqdn}' inherits base {
include site::roles::puppet::master
ln -s $SITE/ext/site.pp $PROD/manifests/
puppet apply --verbose /etc/puppet/environments/production/manifests/site.pp
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