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Created September 1, 2014 07:23
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Check for layer compatibility - QGIS
def checkForTransectizerLayer(self, selectedByCombo = True):
This slto checks if a layer is appropiate for woriking with
Transectizer. A such layer should have the following
survey(string, 20): A descripive name of survey/transect.
station:(string, 10): A short descriptive prefix/name for the stations.
stnnum(int): Sequential/arbitrary number for the station.
stnlat(double): Latitude, , in decimal degrees, for the station.
stnlon(double): Longitude, in decimal degrees, for the station.
stnobs(string, 254): Observations/remarks for the station.
Checking a layer is done field by field, against a field list
# Creating the list of fields to be compared
surveyField = QgsField(name = 'survey', type = 10,\
typeName = 'string', len = 20)
stationField = QgsField(name = 'station', type = 10,\
typeName = 'string', len = 10)
stnnumField = QgsField(name = 'stnnum', type =2,\
typeName = 'integer', len = 10, prec = 0)
stnlatField = QgsField(name = 'stnlat', type = 6,\
typeName = 'double', len = 20, prec = 5)
stnlonField = QgsField(name = 'stnlon', type = 6,\
typeName = 'double', len = 20, prec = 5)
stnobsField = QgsField(name = 'stnobs', type = 10,\
typeName = 'string', len = 254)
fieldList = (surveyField, stationField, stnnumField,\
stnlatField, stnlonField, stnobsField)
# Now we get the fields from the layer to be checked
layerName = self.dlg.ui.layersCombo.currentText()
layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName(layerName)[0]
provider = layer.dataProvider()
fieldsToCheck = provider.fields()
# A valid layer for the transectizer will have ALL of the defined
# fields. Direct comparation on fields is possible.
layerOK = all(field in fieldsToCheck for field in fieldList)
# Time to manage the results of the field tests
msg = QMessageBox()
# If our layer is compatible with transectizer (it has all the
# required fields), we just return it
if layerOK:
if selectedByCombo:
msg.setText("<center>%s is a valid layer<br>for Transectizer to work<center>" %layerName))
return layer
# If not, we offer the user the chance
# of creating them in the chosen layer
msg.setText("""<center>It looks like the selected layer<br>
has not the fields required for Transectizer to work.<br>
Do you want them to be added to your layer?<center>"""))
btn1 = msg.addButton("Add and continue"), QMessageBox.YesRole)
btn2 = msg.addButton("Cancel"), QMessageBox.NoRole)
# Creation of the new fields in the layer
if msg.clickedButton() == btn1:
return layer
return False
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