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Created October 17, 2023 18:51
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Example of Haskell's state monad (after the Monday Morning Haskell blog post)
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad.State as M
import qualified Data.Array as A
import System.Random (StdGen, mkStdGen, randomR)
-- In a tic-tac-toe game, there is an 'X' player, and an 'O' player
data Player = PlayerO | PlayerX deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The index of a tile on a tic-tac-toe board is a pair (row, and column).
type TileIndex = (Int, Int)
-- The state of a tile on a tic-tac-toe board is that the
-- tile is empty, that it has an 'X' in it, or that it has an 'O' in it.
data TileState = Empty | HasO | HasX deriving (Eq, Show)
-- State of a tic-tac-toe game
data GameState = GameState
{ board :: A.Array TileIndex TileState
, player :: Player
, generator :: StdGen
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- A starting state for the game
startState :: GameState
startState = GameState
{ board = A.listArray ((0,0), (2,2)) (replicate 9 Empty)
, player = PlayerO
, generator = mkStdGen 143
-- The state of the tile after a player writes their 'X' or 'O' in the tile.
playerMark :: Player -> TileState
playerMark PlayerO = HasO
playerMark PlayerX = HasX
-- Get the next player.
nextPlayer :: Player -> Player
nextPlayer PlayerO = PlayerX
nextPlayer PlayerX = PlayerO
-- This will randomly pick an empty tile in the game.
-- To do that, we need to use the random generator, which we've stored in
-- the game state (sensibly). Since this is Haskell, we use the generator
-- by generating a new generator when we use it, which we then stash
-- back in the program state. So, although the returned value of this
-- computation is a tile, we have in fact also updated the internal game
-- state (we have generated a new random number generator).
chooseEmptyTile :: M.State GameState TileIndex
chooseEmptyTile = do
-- Retrieve the current game state, and call it 'game'.
game <- M.get
-- Get all the board indices that have no X or O in them (they're empty).
let b = board game
let empties = [ fst pair | pair <- A.assocs b, snd pair == Empty ]
-- Get the random generator stored in our game state.
let gen = generator game
-- Generate a new generator (i.e., gen'), and
-- pick one of the open spots (i.e., i).
let (i, gen') = randomR (0, length empties - 1) gen
-- Update our state with the new generator (i.e., gen').
M.put (game { generator = gen' })
-- In the open spots, pick the 'i' tile, and wrap it up in the
-- monad. So, return the updated game state, with the selected tile
-- and hence the type is 'M GameState TileIndex'
return (empties !! i)
-- Given a tile on the board, apply the current player's move to it.
-- In other words, write that player's symbol on the tile, update
-- the board with this new tile, and then we're done.
applyMove :: TileIndex -> M.State GameState ()
applyMove i = do
-- Retrieve the current game state.
game <- M.get
-- Get the current board state, the current player, from the game state.
let b = board game
let p = player game
-- Add the current player's move to the board at the given tile index.
let theMove = [(i, playerMark p)]
let newBoard = b A.// theMove
-- Get the next player
let nextP = nextPlayer p
-- Update the game state
let newGame = game { board = newBoard, player = nextP }
-- Stash the new state. There's no computed value here that we care
-- to return, so we just return the state and unit, hence the return
-- type of 'M.State GameState ()'.
M.put newGame
-- Check if the game is done
isGameDone :: M.State GameState Bool
isGameDone = do
-- Get the current game state.
game <- M.get
-- Get all open spots on the board.
let b = board game
let empties = [ fst pair | pair <- A.assocs b, snd pair == Empty ]
-- Are there any empty spots left?
let result = length empties == 0
-- Return this computation (which is of type 'Bool'), along with the state.
-- Hence, the type of this computation: 'M.State GameState Bool'
return result
-- This will run one turn of the player, and see if we're done.
playTurn :: M.State GameState Bool
playTurn = do
-- Randomly pick an empty tile.
i <- chooseEmptyTile
-- Have the current player write their mark on this tile.
applyMove i
-- Check if the game is done.
playGame :: M.State GameState Bool
playGame = do
isDone <- playTurn
if isDone == False then playGame
else return isDone
runTheGame :: (Bool, GameState)
runTheGame = M.runState playGame startState
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Running game..."
let (_, state) = runTheGame
putStrLn (show state)
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