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Last active July 17, 2016 12:13
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Save jtpaasch/97a331e943f73f4f27df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helps build command line tools in Python.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A simple tool for making command line tools in python."""
import os
import sys
class CLI(object):
HELP_OPTION = "--help"
TEXT_BOLD = '\033[01m'
TEXT_REVERSE = '\033[07m'
TEXT_DISABLE = '\033[02m'
TEXT_UNDERLINE = '\033[04m'
TEXT_OK = '\033[92m'
TEXT_WARNING = '\033[93m'
TEXT_FAIL = '\033[91m'
TEXT_BG_OK = '\033[42m'
TEXT_BG_WARNING = '\033[43m'
TEXT_BG_FAIL = '\033[41m'
TEXT_RESET = '\033[0m'
text_fail = [TEXT_BOLD, TEXT_FAIL]
commands = {}
execution_stack = []
def format_for_tty(cls, text, formats):
"""Format text for output to a TTY."""
pre = "".join(formats) if formats else ""
post = cls.TEXT_RESET if formats else ""
return pre + text + post
def echo(cls, text, formats=None):
"""Safely echo output to STDOUT."""
output = text
if sys.stdout.isatty():
output = cls.format_for_tty(text, formats)
sys.stdout.write(output + os.linesep)
def error(cls, text, formats=None):
"""Safely echo error to STDERR, and exit with a status code."""
output = text
if sys.stderr.isatty():
output = cls.format_for_tty(text, formats)
sys.stderr.write(output + os.linesep)
def exit(cls, code=1):
"""Exit cleanly with a correct code."""
def find_by_alias(cls, alias, collection):
"""Is there an item with the specified collection?"""
result = None
for key, item in collection.items():
if item.get("alias") == alias:
result = key
return result
def init_command(cls, name):
"""Get or create a command from the ``commands`` dictionary."""
if name not in cls.commands:
cls.commands[name] = {
"handler": None,
"alias": None,
"arguments": [],
"options": {},
return cls.commands[name]
def set_alias(cls, command, alias):
"""Set an alias for a command."""
cls.commands[command]["alias"] = alias
def set_handler(cls, command, handler):
"""Set a handler for a command."""
cls.commands[command]["handler"] = handler
def get_handler(cls, command):
"""Get a handler for a command."""
return cls.commands[command]["handler"]
def set_argument(cls, command, argument):
"""Set an argument for a command."""
argument_data = {
"name": argument,
def get_arguments(cls, command):
"""Get all arguments for a command."""
return cls.commands[command]["arguments"]
def set_option(cls, command, option, alias, default=None, help=None):
"""Set an option for a command."""
option_data = {
"name": option,
"alias": alias,
"default": default,
"help": help,
cls.commands[command]["options"][option] = option_data
def get_options(cls, command):
"""Get all options for a command."""
return cls.commands[command]["options"]
def get_options_defaults(cls, options):
"""Get a dict of options defaults."""
result = {}
for key, item in options.items():
default = item.get("default")
if default:
result[key] = default
return result
def get_command_parts(cls, alias):
"""Get the command handler, arguments, and options."""
command = cls.find_by_alias(alias, cls.commands)
if not command:
cls.error("No command: " + str(alias), formats=cls.text_fail)
handler = cls.get_handler(command)
arguments = cls.get_arguments(command)
options = cls.get_options(command)
return (handler, arguments, options)
def command(cls, alias=None):
"""Register a function, optionally under an alias."""
def wrapper(func):
command = func.__name__
cls.set_alias(command, alias)
cls.set_handler(command, func)
return func
return wrapper
def argument(cls, argument):
"""Register an argument for a command."""
def wrapper(func):
command = func.__name__
cls.set_argument(command, argument)
return func
return wrapper
def option(cls, option, alias=None, default=None, help=None):
"""Register an option for a command."""
def wrapper(func):
command = func.__name__
cls.set_option(command, option, alias, default, help)
return func
return wrapper
def show_help(cls, alias):
"""Display help for a command."""
handler, arguments, options = cls.get_command_parts(alias)
args = [str(x.get("name")).upper() for x in arguments]
pprint_args = " ".join(args)
cls.echo("USAGE: " + alias + " [OPTIONS] " + pprint_args)
if handler.__doc__:
cls.echo(" " + handler.__doc__)
if options:
for option in options.values():
option_text = ""
alias_text = option.get("alias")
if alias_text:
option_text += alias_text
help_text = option.get("help")
if help_text:
option_text += "\t" + help_text
cls.echo(cls.HELP_OPTION + "\t" + "Display help.")
def parse_command(cls, alias, args):
"""Parse the provided args for a command."""
handler, arguments, options = cls.get_command_parts(alias)
# We'll populate these as we proceed.
i = 0
prepared_arguments = []
prepared_options = cls.get_options_defaults(options)
# Go through the provided args, one by one.
while i < len(args):
# Is the current arg an alias for an option or argument?
arg = args[i]
# Show help if it's the help option.
if arg == cls.HELP_OPTION:
# If it's an alias for an option, add the option and its value
# to the list of prepared options.
option = cls.find_by_alias(arg, options)
if option:
option_name = options[option]["name"]
i += 1
if len(args) > i:
option_value = args[i]
cls.error("Missing value for " + arg, formats=cls.text_fail)
option_value = args[i]
prepared_options[option_name] = option_value
i += 1
# If it's not an alias for an option, it must be an argument. If we're
# expecting an argument, add it to the list of prepared arguments.
elif len(prepared_arguments) < len(arguments):
i += 1
# Otherwise, we don't recognize this as an alias for anything.
# Are we missing arguments now?
if len(prepared_arguments) < len(arguments):
missing_args = arguments[len(prepared_arguments):]
pprint_list = [x.get("name") for x in missing_args]
msg = "Missing argument(s): " + ", ".join(pprint_list)
cls.error(msg, formats=cls.text_fail)
# We're good. Add the handler and its arguments/options to the execution
# stack so it can get executed after we finish parsing the commands.
execution_data = {
"handler": handler,
"arguments": prepared_arguments,
"options": prepared_options
return i + 1
def build_execution_stack(cls, args):
"""Build the execution stack."""
i = 0
while i < len(args):
next_arg = cls.parse_command(args[i], args[i + 1:])
i += next_arg
def run_execution_stack(cls):
"""Run the execution stack."""
for command in cls.execution_stack:
handler = command.get("handler")
arguments = command.get("arguments")
options = command.get("options")
handler(*arguments, **options)
def run(cls, args):
"""Take a string of arguments, parse them, and run the program."""
@CLI.option("is_red", alias="--red", default=False, help="Display in red.")
@CLI.option("punctuation", alias="--punc", help="Punctuation for the end.")
def greeting(text, is_red, punctuation=None):
"""Print out a simple greeting."""
message = text
if punctuation:
message += punctuation
if is_red:
formats = [CLI.TEXT_OK]
CLI.echo(message, formats=formats)
if __name__ == "__main__":
specified_arguments = sys.argv[1:]
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