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Last active April 6, 2022 18:19
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A simple example of using Cmdliner to create a command line tool
(name main)
(libraries findlib.dynload bap))
(lang dune 3.0)
(** A simple example of using [Cmdliner].
The basic idea is that you have a function you want to run (in the code
below, that function is []). That function might require arguments
(in the code below, [] takes an optional string (a username).
With [Cmdliner], you declare the arguments you want to collect from the
command line, then you declare a "runner" (which the [Cmdliner]
documentation calls a "term"). Basically, a "runner" runs your function
(i.e., []) with the arguments it collects from the command line.
For more, see the documentation:
module App = struct
(* A simple app. This just prints an optional username given to it. *)
let run (username : string option) : unit =
Printf.printf "username: %s\n%!"
(match username with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "none given")
module Cli = struct
open Cmdliner
(* The following declares some info for the tool's help and manpage. *)
let version = "00"
let name = "tool"
let doc = "A simple command line tool"
let man = [
`S Manpage.s_description;
`P "This is the bit where we give a general description
of what this command line tool does.";
`P "We can put in multiple paragraphs of text here
but I'm actually not going to do that.";
`S Manpage.s_examples;
`P "I could give some examples here:";
`Pre "let foo = bar + 2";
let info = name ~doc ~man ~version
(* This declares a [-u foo] or [--username foo] command line argument. *)
let username =
let info = ["u"; "username"]
~doc:"A username"
let parser = Arg.some Arg.string in
let default = None in
Arg.value (Arg.opt parser default info)
(* This creates a "runner," i.e., it parses the command line args and then
it feeds the parsed values as arguments into a specified function.
Here, we want to execute [], but give it the value from the
the parsed [username] argument given on the command line. To declare
that, we define a [Term], where [const] is the function we
want to execute, and then [$ username] says that the next argument
given to [] should be the one we got from [username]. *)
let runner = Term.(const $ username)
(* This declares the command. *)
let cmd = Cmd.v info runner
let () = exit (Cmdliner.Cmd.eval Cli.cmd)
TOOL := main.exe
all: clean run
.PHONY: clean
dune clean
dune build ./$(TOOL)
run: build
dune exec ./$(TOOL) -- -u dudleydoolittle
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jtpaasch commented Apr 6, 2022

To run this, put the above files in a directory, then run make.

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