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Created July 30, 2012 01:39
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Injecting global imports/locals
# In an actual use case, pkg1 and pkg2 would be packages,
# but to make this runnable I used classes
# to make a namespace instead (same idea regardless)
# make a dummy class so we can use it as a namespace
class Dummy(object): pass
pkg1, pkg2 = Dummy(), Dummy()
pkg1.average = lambda *args : sum(args) * 1.0 / len(args)
pkg2.get_lengths = lambda *args : map(len, args)
### Use defaults with boolean or to set locals
# (this gets *really* long with many local variables)
def get_average_class(**kwargs):
# note that if you used average = kwargs.get("average") or average here
# you'd get an error about using an unbound local.
# (and using globals would kinda defeat the purpose entirely)
average = kwargs.get("average") or pkg1.average
get_lengths = kwargs.get("get_lengths") or pkg2.get_lengths
class AverageList(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.items = args
def average(self):
return average(*get_lengths(*self.items))
return AverageList
adjusted_lengths = lambda *args: map(len, args) + [15]
print (get_average_class())([1,2], [10, 4, 5, 6]).average == 3 # True
print (get_average_class(get_lengths=adjusted_lengths))([1,2], [10, 4, 5, 6]).average == 7 # True
# This example shows how you *can't* add to the locals dict
average = pkg1.average
get_lengths = pkg2.get_lengths
def get_average_class2(**kwargs):
# this doesn't work because adding to localvars does nothing
localvars = locals()
for k in ("average", "get_lengths"):
if kwargs.get(k, None):
localvars[k] = kwargs[k]
class AverageList2(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.items = args
def average(self):
return average(*get_lengths(*self.items))
return AverageList2
adjusted_lengths = lambda *args: map(len, args) + [15]
print (get_average_class2())([1,2], [10, 4, 5, 6]).average == 3 # True
print (get_average_class2(get_lengths=adjusted_lengths))([1,2], [10, 4, 5, 6]).average == 7 # False
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