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# Endpoint for SOAP requests
endpoint_url <- ''
# XML payload, replace the method name and parameters as per actual API
# This is a simplified example assuming a SOAP method called 'getServentiaJudicial' that accepts 'seq_orgao' as a parameter
xml_payload <- '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cor="">
# HTTP headers
headers <- httr::add_headers(
'Content-Type' = 'text/xml',
'SOAPAction' = ''
# Making the request
r <- httr::POST(
endpoint_url, body = xml_payload, headers,
# Function to extract the text or return NA if the node doesn't exist
extract_text_or_na <- function(node, xpath) {
found_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(node, xpath)
if (is.null(found_node)) return(NA)
# Function to extract information from a single 'item' node
extract_item_to_df_row <- function(item) {
seq_orgao = as.integer(extract_text_or_na(item, ".//seq_orgao")),
dsc_orgao = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//dsc_orgao"),
tip_orgao = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//tip_orgao"),
seq_orgao_pai = as.integer(extract_text_or_na(item, ".//seq_orgao_pai")),
seq_tribunal_pai = as.integer(extract_text_or_na(item, ".//seq_tribunal_pai")),
cod_hierarquia = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//cod_hierarquia"),
seq_cidade = as.integer(extract_text_or_na(item, ".//seq_cidade")),
sig_uf = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//sig_uf"),
dsc_cidade = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//dsc_cidade"),
cod_ibge = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//cod_ibge"),
flg_ativo = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//flg_ativo"),
cep_serventia =, ".//cep_serventia")),
endereco_serventia =, ".//endereco_serventia")),
telefone_serventia =, ".//telefone_serventia")),
dat_alteracao = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//dat_alteracao"),
dsc_email_secretaria = extract_text_or_na(item, ".//dsc_email_secretaria")
safe <- purrr::possibly(extract_item_to_df_row, tibble::tibble(erro = "erro"))
# Find the 'item' nodes and get the text content
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 8)
aux_varas_corporativo <- r |>
xml2::read_xml() |>
xml2::xml_find_all(".//item") |>
furrr::future_map(safe, .progress = TRUE) |>
readr::write_rds(aux_varas_corporativo, "data-raw/aux_varas_corporativo.rds")
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