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Last active November 8, 2022 14:44
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Reserved Registers

index register description
0x00 zero always zero
0x01 one always one
0x02 of contains overflow of arithmetic
0x03 pc memory address of the current instruction
0x04 ssp memory address of the stack start
0x05 sp memory address of the current stack index
0x06 fp memory address of the current call frame
0x07 hp memory address of the end of the heap
0x08 err error codes
0x09 ggas gas avaiable globally
0x0a cgas gas available in the context
0x0b bal received balance for the context
0x0c is start of the currently-executing code
0x0d ret return value or pointer
0x0e retl return value length,in bytes
0x0f flag flags register


syntax behavior notes
add c,a,b c = a + b
addi c,a,imm c = a + imm
sub c,a,b c = a - b
subi c,a,imm c = a - imm
mul c,a,b c = a * b
muli c,a,imm c = a * imm
div c,a,b c = a / b
divi c,a,imm c = a / imm
mod c,a,b c = a % b
modi c,a,imm c = a % imm
exp c,a,b c = a ** b
exp c,a,imm c = a ** imm
mroo c,a,b c = math.floor(math.root(a,b))
mlog c,a,b c = math.floor(math.log(a,b))
move a,b a = b
movi a,imm a = imm


syntax behavior notes
eq c,a,b c = a == b
gt c,a,b c = a > b
lt c,a,b c = a < b
and c,a,b c = a & b
andi c,a,imm c = a & imm
noop no operation
not b,a b = ~a
or c,a,b c = a | b
ori c,a,imm c = a | imm
sll c,a,b c = a << b
slli c,a,imm c = a << imm
srl c,a,b c = a >> b
srli c,a,imm c = a >> imm
xor c,a,b c = a ^ b
xori c,a,imm c = a ^ imm

Control Flow

syntax behavior notes
jmp a pc = is+a jumps to a
ji imm pc = is+imm*4 jumps to constant
jne a b c pc = a != b ? is+c*4 : pc+4 jump to c if a != b
jnei a b imm pc = a != b ? is+imm*4 : pc+4 jump to imm if a != b
jnzi a imm pc = a != 0 ? is+imm*4 : pc+4 jump to imm if a != 0
ret a return a return from context with a


syntax behavior notes
alloc a hp -= a allocate a bytes from heap
cfei imm sp += imm extend call frame by imm
cfsi imm sp -= imm shrink call frame by imm
lb a,b,imm a = mem[b+imm,1] load byte from memory at b + imm
lw a,b,imm a = mem[b+(imm*8),8] load word from memory at b + imm
mcl a,b mem[a,b] = 0 clears b bytes of memory at offset a
mcli a,imm mem[a,imm] = 0 clear imm bytes of memory at offset a
mcp a,b,c mem[a,c] = mem[b,c] copy c bytes of memory from b to a
mcpi a,b,imm mem[a,imm] = mem[b,imm] copy imm bytes of memory from b to a
meq a,b,c,d a = mem[b,d] == mem[c,d] true if d bytes of memory at b and c match
sb a,b,imm mem[a+imm,1] = b[7,1] stores rightmost byte of b at a + imm
sw a,b,imm mem[a+(imm*8),8] = b stores word, b, at a + imm


syntax behavior notes
bal a,b,c a = bal(mem[b,32],mem[c,32]) get balance of account c given asset id b
bhei a a = blockheight get fuel block height
bhsh a b mem[a,32] = blockhash(b) store in memory at a the hash of block b
burn a burn(a) burn a amount of the contract's asset ID
call a,b,c,d call(a,b,c,d) call w data at a, b amount of c asset and d gas
cb a mem[a,32] = coinbase store coinbase account in memory at a
cpp a,b,c,d mem[a,d] = code(b,c,d) copy d bytes of contract b at c to a
croo a,b mem[a,32] = coderoot(mem[b,32]) copy code merkle root of contract at b
csiz a,b a = codesize(mem[b,32]) get code size of contract at b
ldc a,b,c mem[ssp,c] = code(a,b,c) copy c bytes from contract b at a to execute
log a,b,c,d log(a,b,c,d) log event with topics a, b, c, and d
logd a,b,c,d logd(a,b,c,d) log event with topics a and b with d bytes at c
mint a mint(a) mint a amount of the contract's asset ID
retd returndata(a,b) return b bytes from a to the context's caller
rvrt a revert(a) halt execution, revert state changes, return a
smo a,b,c,d msg(mem[fp,32],mem[a,32],mem[a+32,b],d,c) send msg to recipient address
scwq a,b,c state[mem[a,32],32*c] = None clear c slots of storage from a
srw a,b,c a = state[mem[c,32]][0,8] read from state at c into a
srwq a,b,c,d mem[a,32*d] = state[mem[c,32*d]] read d slots of state into a
sww a,b,c state[mem[a,32]] = (rc,0) write c to slot at a
swwq a,b,c,d state[mem[a,32],32*d] = mem[c,32*d] write d slots from c to a
time a,b a = time(b) get timestamp of block b
tr a,b,c transfer(mem[a,32],b,mem[c,32]) transfer b amount of asset c to a
tro a,b,c,d transferout(mem[a,32],b,c,mem[d,32]) transfer c amount of d to address a w output b


syntax behavior notes
ecr a,b,c mem[a,32] = ecrecover(mem[b,64],mem[c,32]) ec recover from b, b+1, c
k256 a,b,c mem[a,32] = keccak256(mem[b,c]) hash c bytes from b into a
s256 a,b,c mem[a,32] = sha256(mem[b,c]) hash c bytes from b into a


syntax behavior notes
flag a flag = a set flag
gm a,imm get metadata from memory
gtf a,b,imm get fields from the transaction


├── contract_a
│   ├── key : value
│   ├── key : value
│   └── key : value
└── contract_b
    ├── key : value
    └── key : value
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