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Created December 16, 2011 10:13
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LSF submission wrapper
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Submission wrapper for LSF
# Recognizes parameters for the number
# of cpus to use, the amount of memory to reserve
# and the amount of disk space required.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $memstr = "";
my $tempstr = "";
my $prefix = "";
my $name = "";
my $depend = "";
my $cpu = 1;
my $queue = "";
my $dryRun = 0;
GetOptions("mem=s" => \$memstr,
"prefix=s" => \$prefix,
"name=s" => \$name,
"tmp=s" => \$tempstr,
"cpu=i" => \$cpu,
"queue=s" => \$queue,
"depend=s" => \$depend,
"dry-run" => \$dryRun);
# Build the LSF command
# Set a suitable prefix for the job
# By default this uses the job ID
if($prefix eq "")
$prefix = "j%J";
my $opt_str = "-o $prefix.out -e $prefix.err ";
# Set the name for the job
if($name ne "")
$opt_str .= "-J$name ";
# Set job dependencies
if($depend ne "")
$opt_str .= "-w 'done($depend)' ";
# Set the number of cpus to use
if($cpu > 1)
$opt_str .= "-n$cpu " . qq(-R "span[hosts=1]") . " ";
my @rselect;
my @rusage;
my $memory_bsub_str = "";
# Add memory parameters
if($memstr ne "")
my ($mb, $kb) = parse_memstr($memstr);
push @rselect, "mem>$mb";
push @rusage, "mem=$mb";
$memory_bsub_str = "-M$kb";
if($mb >= 32000 && $queue eq "")
$queue = "hugemem";
# Add disk space parameters
if($tempstr ne "")
my ($mb, $kb) = parse_memstr($tempstr);
push @rselect, "tmp>$mb";
push @rusage, "tmp=$mb";
if(scalar(@rselect) > 0)
my $select_str = "select[" . join(" && ", @rselect) . "]";
my $usage_str = "rusage[" . join(", ", @rusage) . "]";
$opt_str .= qq(-R"$select_str $usage_str" $memory_bsub_str);
# Set the submssion queue, if not already set
if($queue eq "")
$queue = "normal";
$opt_str .= " -q $queue";
my $submitter = "bsub";
# Read the actual command, either from ARGV or STDIN
if(scalar(@ARGV) > 0)
# Single-job mode
my $job = join(" ", @ARGV);
# Batch submission mode
while(my $job = <>)
chomp $job;
# Run the actual submission command
sub run
my($job) = @_;
my $cmd = qq($submitter $opt_str "$job");
print "submitting: $cmd\n";
system("$cmd") if !$dryRun;
# Parse a memory string in the form 1G, 1M, 1K into the number
# of megabytes and kilobytes requested
sub parse_memstr
my($s) = @_;
my ($v, $tok) = ($s =~ /(\d+)(.*)/);
my $bytes = 0;
if($tok eq "G")
$bytes = $v * 1000*1000*1000;
elsif($tok eq "M")
$bytes = $v * 1000*1000;
elsif($tok eq "K")
$bytes = $v * 1000;
die("Unrecognized memory string: $s");
my $mb = $bytes / (1000*1000);
my $kb = $bytes / 1000;
return ($mb, $kb);
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