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Created March 21, 2020 21:14
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Asterisk Voicemail --> MP3 w/ IBM bluemix trasnscription
# Asterisk Voicemail -> MP3 And IBM Bluemix Transscription
# Based on multiple peoples work:
# Asterisk voicemail attachment conversion script
# Revision history :
# 22/11/2010 - V1.0 - Creation by N. Bernaerts
# 07/02/2012 - V1.1 - Add handling of mails without attachment (thanks to Paul Thompson)
# 01/05/2012 - V1.2 - Use mktemp, pushd & popd
# 08/05/2012 - V1.3 - Change mp3 compression to CBR to solve some smartphone compatibility (thanks to Luca Mancino)
# 01/08/2012 - V1.4 - Add PATH definition to avoid any problem (thanks to Christopher Wolff)
# 16/07/2015 - V1.5 - Handle natively GSM WAV (thanks to Michael Munger)
# Also stole the work of:
# Original source created by N. Bernaerts:
# modified per:
# 2017-09-17 Initial commit by lgaetz, working but unpolished
# 2017-09-18 Original attachment added to email
# 2017-09-18 working with email sans attachments
# License: There are no explicit license terms on the original script or on the blog post with modifications
# I'm assumig GNU/GPL2+ unless notified otherwise by copyright holder(s)
# Usage: copy this file to /usr/sbin/ set ownership to asterisk:asterisk and make it executable.
# In the [general] section of /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf set mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail.asterisk
# Permissions - More: Make sure the asterisk user can execute (and that they exist - fwiw, a new
# install of FreePBX circa March 2020, I didn't need to change or install anything):
# * dos2unix
# * unix2dos
# * sox
# * lame
# set PATH
# Specify IBM Bluemix API credentials
# save the current directory
pushd .
# create a temporary directory and cd to it
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/astVM.XXXXXXXXXX)
# dump the stream to a temporary file
cat >>
# get the boundary
BOUNDARY=$(grep "boundary=" | cut -d'"' -f 2)
# cut the file into parts
# stream.part - header before the boundary
# stream.part1 - header after the bounday
# stream.part2 - body of the message
# stream.part3 - attachment in base64 (WAV file)
# stream.part4 - footer of the message
awk '/'$BOUNDARY'/{i++}{print > "stream.part"i}'
# if mail is having no audio attachment (plain text)
PLAINTEXT=$(cat stream.part1 | grep 'plain')
if [ "$PLAINTEXT" != "" ]
# prepare to send the original stream
cat >
# else, if mail is having audio attachment
# cut the attachment into parts
# stream.part3.head - header of attachment
# stream.part3.wav.base64 - wav file of attachment (encoded base64)
sed '7,$d' stream.part3 > stream.part3.wav.head
sed '1,6d' stream.part3 > stream.part3.wav.base64
# convert the base64 file to a wav file
dos2unix -o stream.part3.wav.base64
base64 -di stream.part3.wav.base64 > stream.part3.wav
# Send WAV to Watson Speech to Text API. Must use "Narrowband" (aka 8k) model since WAV is 8k sample
curl -s $CURL_OPTS -k -u "apikey:$API_KEY" -X POST \
--limit-rate 40000 \
--header "Content-Type: audio/wav" \
--data-binary @stream.part3.wav \
"$API_URL$API_OPTS" 1>audio.txt
# Extract transcript results from JSON response
TRANSCRIPT=`cat audio.txt | grep transcript | sed 's#^.*"transcript": "##g' | sed 's# "$##g'`
# convert wave file (GSM encoded or not) to PCM wav file
sox stream.part3.wav stream.part3-pcm.wav
# convert PCM wav file to mp3 file
# -b 24 is using CBR, giving better compatibility on smartphones (you can use -b 32 to increase quality)
# -V 2 is using VBR, a good compromise between quality and size for voice audio files
lame -m m -b 24 stream.part3-pcm.wav stream.part3.mp3
# convert back mp3 to base64 file
base64 stream.part3.mp3 > stream.part3.mp3.base64
# generate the new mp3 attachment header
# change Type: audio/x-wav or audio/x-WAV to Type: audio/mpeg
# change name="msg----.wav" or name="msg----.WAV" to name="msg----.mp3"
sed 's/x-[wW][aA][vV]/mpeg/g' stream.part3.wav.head | sed 's/.[wW][aA][vV]/.mp3/g' > stream.part3.mp3.head
# generate first part of mail body, converting it to LF only
mv stream.part
cat stream.part1 >>
sed '$d' < stream.part2 >>
# beginning of transcription section
echo -e "\n--- Automated transcription result ---\n " >>
# append result of transcription
echo "$TRANSCRIPT" >>
# end of message body
tail -1 stream.part2 >>
cat stream.part3.mp3.head >>
dos2unix -o
# append base64 mp3 to mail body, keeping CRLF
unix2dos -o stream.part3.mp3.base64
cat stream.part3.mp3.base64 >>
# append end of mail body, converting it to LF only
echo "" >> stream.tmp
echo "" >> stream.tmp
cat stream.part4 >> stream.tmp
dos2unix -o stream.tmp
cat stream.tmp >>
# send the mail thru sendmail
cat | sendmail -t
# go back to original directory
# remove all temporary files and temporary directory
# if things are not working, this is a great place to
# start. If, as in my experience, you can't find the
# temp folder than, check your spelling that FreePBX
# is trying to run the right script.
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
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jtsage commented Mar 21, 2020

Couple of things for debugging purposes that it took a while for me to notice:

1.) FreeBPX / Asterisk don't appear to tell you if it can't find the script (this was not the correct filename at that point)

DEBUG[24625][C-00000187] app_voicemail.c: Sent mail to <redacted> with command '/usr/sbin/sendmial.asterisk'

2.) If you do turn off removal of the temp directory to pipe the steam file in again:

# cat /tmp/astVM-XXXXXXXX/ | /usr/sbin/sendmail.asterisk

IT WILL NOT APPEAR. There is a message-ID header in there, duplicates are ignored, at least by gmail - change it a bit each time.

3.) Errors from IBM are accessible in the audio.txt file in the created temp directory

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