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Last active December 2, 2022 11:17
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Signing requests for AWS API Gateway in Ruby

The AWS API Gateway supports signed requests as follows. The API Gateway client can use IAM credentials to sign a request in two steps:

  1. The original request headers and body are signed using the SDK supplied by AWS and the credentials
  2. The signature sets the X-Amz-SignedHeaders header

In practice, there are two ways for signing from a Ruby client using the AWS SDK: (1) signing with a Faraday plugin, (2) creating a Specific Gateway client using the Seahorse API declaration.

Here is a code snippet for the more quick and dirty Faraday solution.

require 'faraday_middleware'
require 'faraday_middleware/aws_signers_v4'

credentials =, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
url = ENDPOINT #  e.g., ''

conn = url) do |faraday|
  faraday.request :aws_signers_v4,
    credentials: credentials,
    service_name: 'execute-api',
    region: 'eu-west-1'

  faraday.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson\b/
  faraday.response :raise_error

  faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

response = conn.get '/test'


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