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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Note on jQuery's autocomplete plugin

jQuery's Autocompletion plugin comes with jQuery UI. The plugin autocompletes "any field that receives an input." Below is an example from the malt-mate app in coffee script. It fetches the autocomplete values from remote. Moreover, the code does away with the default behaviour of displaying values for labels in the <input type="text"> . (By default, labels are displayed on select but values are displayed on focus.)

<input id="distillery-autocomplete">
<input hidden=true id="distillery-autocomplete-value" type="text" name="distillery-id">
      delay: 500                        # delay between attempts to fetch data

      source: (request, response) ->
        url = "/api_v1/distilleries?q=#{request.term}"

        $.getJSON(url, (data) ->
          labels_and_values =, (distillery) ->{ label:, value: } )
        ).error ->
          response []

      focus: (event, ui) ->
        event.preventDefault()     # prevent from updating the textbox
        $(this).val(ui.item.label) # don't display default item.value all the time

      select: (event, ui) ->
        event.preventDefault()     # prevent from updating the textbox

Yes, there is some Underscore mixed in here.


The jQuery Project (2015): jQuery UI Documentation. Salman Arshad (2013): 5 jQuery UI Autocomplete Examples

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