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Created January 26, 2012 19:19
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Save jtuple/1684499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Perform ring claim dry run, reporting new ring and would-be pending transfers
%% Claim dry-run / simulation code
%% If running outside attached Riak shell, must have Riak libs in codepath and
%% proper cookie / long-form node name. Eg:
%% erl -pa RIAK/deps/*/ebin -setcookie riak -name claim@
%% Run node/2 passing in cluster claimaint and number of new nodes to test:
%% Add 1 node: claim_dryrun:node('dev1@', 1)
%% Add 2 nodes: claim_dryrun:node('dev1@', 2)
%% ...
node(Claimant, NumToAdd) ->
{ok, Ring0} = rpc:call(Claimant, riak_core_ring_manager, get_raw_ring, []),
TargetN = rpc:call(Claimant, app_helper, get_env, [riak_core, target_n_val]),
application:set_env(riak_core, target_n_val, TargetN),
case riak_core_ring:pending_changes(Ring0) of
[] ->
io:format("Current ring:~n"),
riak_core_ring:pretty_print(Ring0, [legend]),
fun(N, Ring) ->
Node =
io:format("~nAdding ~p~n", [Node]),
Ring2 = riak_core_ring:add_member(Node, Ring, Node),
Ring3 = claim(Claimant, Ring2),
end, Ring0, lists:seq(1,NumToAdd));
_ ->
io:format("Cannot perform a dryrun on a cluster with pending transfers~n")
claim(Claimant, Ring) ->
Members = riak_core_ring:claiming_members(Ring),
Ring2 = lists:foldl(fun(Node, Ring0) ->
[Ring0, Node])
end, Ring, Members),
Owners1 = riak_core_ring:all_owners(Ring),
Owners2 = riak_core_ring:all_owners(Ring2),
Owners3 = lists:zip(Owners1, Owners2),
Next = [{Idx, PrevOwner, NewOwner}
|| {{Idx, PrevOwner}, {Idx, NewOwner}} <- Owners3,
PrevOwner /= NewOwner],
Tally =
lists:foldl(fun({_, PrevOwner, NewOwner}, Tally) ->
dict:update_counter({PrevOwner, NewOwner}, 1, Tally)
end, dict:new(), Next),
riak_core_ring:pretty_print(Ring2, [legend]),
io:format("Pending: ~p~n", [length(Next)]),
io:format("Check: ~p~n", [rpc:call(Claimant,
[io:format("~b transfers from ~p to ~p~n", [Count, PrevOwner, NewOwner])
|| {{PrevOwner, NewOwner}, Count} <- dict:to_list(Tally)],
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