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Created May 14, 2012 18:03
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Save jturcotte/2695384 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SublimeClang options_script to extract build options for a source file from a list of qmake build directories.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os.path, fnmatch, re, shlex, subprocess
def searchMakefile(where, visit, recursive):
if not os.path.exists(where):
return False
if recursive:
for root, dirname, filenames in os.walk(where):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, 'Makefile*'):
if visit(os.path.join(root, filename)):
return os.path.join(root, filename)
standardMakefile = os.path.join(where, 'Makefile')
if os.path.isfile(standardMakefile) and visit(standardMakefile):
return standardMakefile
for makefile in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(where), 'Makefile*'):
if visit(os.path.join(where, makefile)):
return os.path.join(where, makefile)
def searchMakefileContainingFilename(where, filename):
# FIXME: Using only the base name can lead to false positives if two files with the
# same name have different build options (i.e. appearing in different Makefiles).
# We should search for the relative path between the pro file and the source file instead.
findBasename = re.compile('[/\s]' + re.escape(os.path.basename(filename)))
def containsSource(makefile):
for line in open(makefile):
return True
return searchMakefile(where, containsSource, recursive = True)
def isBuildDirOfSource(buildDir, sourceFile):
# Assume it's a build dir of our file if it contains a Makefile that was
# generated using a .pro file placed in a parent directory of our source file.
def checkQmakeHeader(makefile):
prog = re.compile('# Project:\s*(.*)')
for line in open(makefile):
if not line.startswith('#'):
return False
m = prog.match(line)
if m:
proFilePath =
if not os.path.isabs(proFilePath):
proFprintilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(makefile), proFilePath)
proFileDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(proFilePath))
sourceDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sourceFile))
return sourceDir.startswith(proFileDir)
return searchMakefile(buildDir, checkQmakeHeader, recursive = False)
def extractRelevantFlags(flags):
# Keep flags that affect the preprocessor and could fail the compile.
relevantFlags = re.findall('-fPIC|-fPIE|-include [^\s]+', flags)
return ' '.join(relevantFlags)
def removeVarRef(flags):
return re.sub('\s?\$\([^\)]*\)', '', flags) if flags else ''
def getOptions(makefile, sourceFile, onlyRelevant=True):
makefileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(makefile))
cmdProg = re.compile('^CXX\s*=\s*(.*)')
definesProg = re.compile('^DEFINES\s*=\s*(.*)')
incpathProg = re.compile('^INCPATH\s*=\s*(.*)')
flagsProg = re.compile('^CXXFLAGS\s*=\s*(.*)')
cmd = None
defines = None
incpath = None
relevantFlags = None
for line in open(makefile):
cmdMatch = cmdProg.match(line)
definesMatch = definesProg.match(line)
incpathMatch = incpathProg.match(line)
flagsMatch = flagsProg.match(line)
if cmdMatch:
cmd =
elif definesMatch:
defines =
elif incpathMatch:
incpath = re.sub('-I([^/])', '-I' + makefileDir + '/\\1',
# Explicitely include config.h for WebKit headers which expect their including cpp file to do so.
if "/webkit/" in sourceFile and sourceFile.endswith('.h'):
incpath += ' -include config.h'
elif flagsMatch:
relevantFlags = removeVarRef(
if onlyRelevant:
relevantFlags = extractRelevantFlags(relevantFlags)
if cmd != None and defines != None and incpath != None and relevantFlags != None:
return cmd, shlex.split(relevantFlags + ' ' + defines + ' ' + incpath)
def makefileForSource(buildDirs, sourceFile):
makefile = None
for buildDir in buildDirs:
# Heuristic to fast skip build dirs unrelated to this source file.
if not isBuildDirOfSource(buildDir, sourceFile):
makefile = searchMakefileContainingFilename(buildDir, sourceFile)
if makefile:
if not makefile:
sys.stderr.write('Options for [%s] could not be found. Make sure that you have an existing build.\n' % sourceFile)
return makefile
def sublimeClangArguments(makefile, sourceFile):
# Extract the options from the makefile that lists our source file somewhere as a dependency.
cmd, options = getOptions(makefile, sourceFile)
print(' '.join(options))
def build(makefile, sourceFile):
# Extract the options from the makefile that lists our source file somewhere as a dependency.
cmd, args = getOptions(makefile, sourceFile, onlyRelevant=False)
args += ('-fsyntax-only', sourceFile)
sys.exit([cmd,] + args))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if sys.argv[1] != '-b':
buildDirs = sys.argv[1:-1]
sourceFile = sys.argv[-1]
sublimeClangArguments(makefileForSource(buildDirs, sourceFile), sourceFile)
buildDirs = sys.argv[2:-1]
sourceFile = sys.argv[-1]
build(makefileForSource(buildDirs, sourceFile), sourceFile)
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