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Last active March 1, 2019 05:20
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elixir like pipes in ruby
# asdf
#=> nil
# [3] pry(main)> 'asdf' >> pipeto(:puts, 'asdff')
# asdf
# asdff
#=> nil
# [4] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# -> x { x + 'q' } >>
# -> x { x + 'w' }
# asdfqw
# [5] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# -> x { [x, 'q'] } >>
# -> x { x + ['w'] } >>
# File.pipeto(:join)
#=> "asdf/q/w"
# [6] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# -> x { [x, 'q'] } >>
# -> x { x + ['w'] } >>
# File.pipeto(:join, 'n')
#=> "asdf/q/w/n"
# [6] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# -> x { [x, 'q'] } >>
# -> x { x + ['w'] } >>
# File.method(:join), 'n'
#=> "asdf/q/w/n"
# [8] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# -> x { [x, 'q'] } >>
# -> x { x + ['w'] } >>
# -> x { File.join(x, 'n') }
# => "asdf/q/w/n"
# [9] pry(main)> 'asdf' .>>
#=> ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+)
# [10] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# pry(main)* -> x { [x, 'w'] } .>>(
# pry(main)* File.method(:join), 'n'
# pry(main)* )
#ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
#from (pry):27:in `>>'
# with detructuring
# [10] pry(main)> 'asdf' >>
# pry(main)> -> x { [x, 'q'] } >>
# pry(main)> lambda {|(x,y)| File.join(x,y) }
# => "x/y"
class Object
def >>(func_or_symbol, *args)
if func_or_symbol.is_a? Symbol
method(func_or_symbol)[self, *args]
prc = func_or_symbol.to_proc
if prc.arity == [self, *args].size
prc[self, *args]
prc.curry[self, *args]
# for currying
# to handle somthing like
# File .>> (:join, 'n') #=> File.join(File, 'n')
# shorthand for
# -> x { File.join(x, 'n') }
# or
# 'asdf' .>> File.method(:join), 'n'
# @see [1], [5], [6]
def pipeto(sym, *args)
lambda {|x| method(sym)[x, *args] }
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