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Created June 12, 2018 20:22
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An example of bad GTM container with many mistakes and problems
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"name": "Bad Container Example for GTM Workshop",
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"value": "<script type=\"text/javascript\" id=\"gtm-cookie-remover\">\n /*\n * Cookie Remover\n * Script for remving cookies within GTM using Custom HTML Tags\n *\n * Instructions:\n * To remove a cookie, create a Custom HTML Tag that pushes data about\n * the cookie into the dataLayer.\n *\n * <script>\n * dataLayer.push({\n * 'event': 'removeCookie',\n * 'attributes': {\n * 'cookieName': 'myCookie', // Required.\n * 'cookiePath': '/', // Opt. Defaults to '/'. Must match stored cookie.\n * 'cookieDomain': '', // Opt. Defaults to hostname of page. Must match stored cookie.\n * }\n * });\n * <\\/script>\n *\n * If the cookie doesn't appear to be removed, check the path and hostname of the\n * stored cookie, as these values must match in order to successfully remove it.\n */\n (function(document) {\n\n\tvar attributes = {{DLV - attributes - v1}};\n var cookieName = attributes.cookieName; // Name of the cookie; preferred syntax is all lowercase, with no spaces\n var cookieDomain = attributes.cookieDomain; // Hostname cookie is stored on\n var cookiePath = attributes.cookiePath; // Path cookie is stored at.\n \n if(typeof cookieName !== 'undefined') {\n \n document.cookie = cookieName + '=; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT'\n + (cookieDomain ? '; Domain=' + cookieDomain : '') \n + (cookiePath ? '; Path=' + cookiePath : '');\n \n }\n \n })(document);\n /*\n * v1.0.0\n * Created by the Google Analytics consultants at\n * Written by @notdanwilkerson\n * Licensed under the MIT License\n */\n</script>"
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