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Last active August 31, 2017 21:36
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Youtube Player Listener V2 (by Cardinal Path)
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"name": "Youtube Recipe Cardinal Path",
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"value": "{{dlv - eventCategory}}"
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"value": "{{YOUR_GA_TRACKING_ID}}"
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"value": "<!--\nGoogle Analytics Tag Manager (V2) custom HTML tag for YouTube video tracking\n\nCopyright 2015, Cardinal Path, Inc.\n\nOriginal author: Stephane Hamel <>\nRevised by: Nicky Yuen <>\n\nVersion 1.0\n-->\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t// support multiple players on the same page\n\tvar gtmYTPlayers = [];\n\t\n // OPTIONAL: Enable JSAPI if it's not already on the URL\n // note: this will cause the YouTube player to \"flash\" on the page when reloading to enable the JS API\n for (var e = document.getElementsByTagName(\"iframe\"), x = e.length; x--;)\n if (/\\/embed/.test(e[x].src))\n if (e[x].src.indexOf('enablejsapi=') === -1)\n e[x].src += (e[x].src.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'enablejsapi=1';\n\t\t\n\t/**\n\t * Attaches listener once the YouTube API is loaded\t\n\t**/\n function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {\n for (var e = document.getElementsByTagName(\"iframe\"), x = e.length; x--;) {\n if (/\\/embed/.test(e[x].src)) {\n gtmYTPlayers.push(new YT.Player(e[x], {\n events: {\n onStateChange: onPlayerStateChange,\n onError: onPlayerError\n }\n }));\n YT.gtmLastAction = \"p\";\n }\n }\n }\n\n\t/**\n\t * Listen for play/pause. Other states such as rewind and end could also be added\n * Also report % played every second\n\t * @param e - event\n\t**/\n function onPlayerStateChange(e) {\n e[\"data\"] == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && setTimeout(onPlayerPercent, 1000, e[\"target\"]);\n var video_data =[\"getVideoData\"](),\n label = video_data.title;\n if (e[\"data\"] == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && YT.gtmLastAction == \"p\") {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'video',\n eventCategory: 'Youtube',\n\t\t\t\teventAction: 'Played video',\n eventLabel: label\n });\n YT.gtmLastAction = \"\";\n }\n if (e[\"data\"] == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'video',\n eventCategory: 'Youtube',\n\t\t\t\teventAction: 'Paused video',\n eventLabel: label\n });\n YT.gtmLastAction = \"p\";\n }\n }\n\n\t/**\n\t * Catch all to report errors through the GTM data layer. once the error is exposed to GTM, it can be tracked in UA as an event!\n\t * Refer to onError\n\t * @param: e (event)\n\t**/\n \n function onPlayerError(e) {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'video',\n\t\t\teventCategory: 'Youtube',\n\t\t\teventAction: 'Video error',\n eventLabel: 'Youtube: ' + e\n })\n }\n\n\t/**\n\t * Report the % played if it matches 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%\n\t * @param: e (event)\n\t**/\n function onPlayerPercent(e) {\n if (e[\"getPlayerState\"]() == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {\n //var t = e[\"getDuration\"]() - e[\"getCurrentTime\"]() <= 1.5 ? 1 : (Math.floor(e[\"getCurrentTime\"]() / e[\"getDuration\"]() * 4) / 4).toFixed(2);\n \n // Set the played duration to every tenth because we'll need to also capture 90% played.\n var t = e[\"getDuration\"]() - e[\"getCurrentTime\"]() <= 1.5 ? 1 : (Math.floor(e[\"getCurrentTime\"]() / e[\"getDuration\"]() * 10) / 10).toFixed(2);\n if (parseFloat(t) < 0.25) {\n t = 0.00;\n }\n else if (parseFloat(t) < 0.5){\n t = 0.25;\n }\n else if (parseFloat(t) < 0.75){\n t = 0.50;\n }\n else if (parseFloat(t) < 0.9){\n t = 0.75;\n }\n \telse if (parseFloat(t) < 1){\n \tt = 0.9;\n }\n \n // duration t needs to be fixed to 2 decimal places\n t = t.toFixed(2);\n \n if (!e[\"lastP\"] || t > e[\"lastP\"]) {\n var video_data = e[\"getVideoData\"](),\n label = video_data.title;\n e[\"lastP\"] = t;\n \tif (t==0.25 || t==0.50 || t==0.75 || t==1){\n dataLayer.push({\n event: \"video\",\n eventCategory: 'Youtube',\n eventAction: t * 100 + \"%\",\n eventLabel: label\n })\n }\n }\n e[\"lastP\"] != 1 && setTimeout(onPlayerPercent, 1000, e);\n }\n }\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Add unload event listener\n\t**/\n\twindow.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(e){\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < gtmYTPlayers.length; i++){\n\t\t\tif (gtmYTPlayers[i].getPlayerState() === 1) { // playing\n\t\t\t\tvar video_data = gtmYTPlayers[i]['getVideoData'](),\n\t\t\t\tlabel = video_data.title;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tdataLayer.push({\n\t\t\t\t\tevent: 'video',\n\t\t\t\t\teventCategory: 'Youtube',\n\t\t\t\t\teventAction: 'Exited video',\n\t\t\t\t\teventLabel: label\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t})\n \n\t// load the Youtube JS api and get going\n var j = document.createElement(\"script\"),\n f = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\")[0];\n j.src = \"//\";\n j.async = true;\n f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);\n</script>"
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