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Created June 10, 2015 20:11
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docker-compose reference YAML file with comments
# Each service defined in docker-compose.yml must specify exactly one of
# image or build. Other keys are optional, and are analogous to their
# docker run command-line counterparts.
# As with docker run, options specified in the Dockerfile (e.g., CMD,
# EXPOSE, VOLUME, ENV) are respected by default - you don't need to
# specify them again in docker-compose.yml.
# Path to a directory containing a Dockerfile. When the value supplied
# is a relative path, it is interpreted as relative to the location of
# the yml file itself. This directory is also the build context that is
# sent to the Docker daemon.
# Compose will build and tag it with a generated name, and use that image
# thereafter.
build: ./
# Add or drop container capabilities. See man 7 capabilities for a full list.
# Override the default command.
command: /usr/bin/start
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
cpu_shares: 73
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
# Custom DNS servers. Can be a single value or a list.
# dns:
# Custom DNS search domains. Can be a single value or a list.
# dns_search:
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
entrypoint: /code/
# Add environment variables from a file. Can be a single value or a list.
# If you have specified a Compose file with docker-compose -f FILE, paths
# in env_file are relative to the directory that file is in.
# Environment variables specified in environment override these values.
# Compose expects each line in an env file to be in VAR=VAL format. Lines
# beginning with # (i.e. comments) are ignored, as are blank lines.
# env_file: .env
- ./common.env
- ./apps/web.env
- /opt/secrets.env
# Add environment variables. You can use either an array or a dictionary.
# Environment variables with only a key are resolved to their values on
# the machine Compose is running on, which can be helpful for secret or
# host-specific values.
# environment:
# - RACK_ENV=development
RACK_ENV: development
# Expose ports without publishing them to the host machine - they'll only
# be accessible to linked services. Only the internal port can be specified.
- "3000"
- "8000"
# Extend another service, in the current file or another, optionally
# overriding configuration.
file: common.yml
service: webapp
# Link to containers started outside this docker-compose.yml or even
# outside of Compose, especially for containers that provide shared or
# common services. external_links follow semantics similar to links when
# specifying both the container name and the link alias (CONTAINER:ALIAS).
- redis_1
- project_db_1:mysql
- project_db_1:postgresql
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
hostname: foo
# Tag or partial image ID. Can be local or remote - Compose will
# attempt to pull if it doesn't exist locally.
image: centos/centos7
# Link to containers in another service. Either specify both the service
# name and the link alias (SERVICE:ALIAS), or just the service name
# (which will also be used for the alias).
# An entry with the alias' name will be created in /etc/hosts inside
# containers for this service.
# Each linked container injects a set of environment variables, each of
# which begins with the uppercase name of the container.
# To see what environment variables are available to a service, run
# docker-compose run SERVICE env.
# * name_PORT
# Full URL, e.g. DB_PORT=tcp://
# * name_PORT_num_protocol
# Full URL, e.g. DB_PORT_5432_TCP=tcp://
# * name_PORT_num_protocol_ADDR
# Container's IP address, e.g. DB_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR=
# * name_PORT_num_protocol_PORT
# Exposed port number, e.g. DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT=5432
# * name_PORT_num_protocol_PROTO
# Protocol (tcp or udp), e.g. DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PROTO=tcp
# * name_NAME
# Fully qualified container name, e.g. DB_1_NAME=/myapp_web_1/myapp_db_1
- db
- db:database
- redis
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
mem_limit: 1000000000
# Networking mode. Use the same values as the docker client --net parameter.
# net: "bridge"
# net: "none"
# net: "container:[name or id]"
# net: "host"
net: "bridge"
# Sets the PID mode to the host PID mode. This turns on sharing between
# container and the host operating system the PID address space. Containers
# launched with this flag will be able to access and manipulate other
# containers in the bare-metal machine's namespace and vise-versa.
pid: "host"
# Expose ports. Either specify both ports (HOST:CONTAINER), or just the
# container port (a random host port will be chosen).
# Note: When mapping ports in the HOST:CONTAINER format, you may experience
# erroneous results when using a container port lower than 60, because YAML
# will parse numbers in the format xx:yy as sexagesimal (base 60). For this
# reason, we recommend always explicitly specifying your port mappings as
# strings.
- "3000"
- "8000:8000"
- "49100:22"
- ""
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
privileged: true
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
restart: always
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
stdin_open: true
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
tty: true
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
user: postgresql
# Mount paths as volumes, optionally specifying a path on the host machine
# (HOST:CONTAINER), or an access mode (HOST:CONTAINER:ro).
- /var/lib/mysql
- cache/:/tmp/cache
- ~/configs:/etc/configs/:ro
# Mount all of the volumes from another service or container.
- service_name
- container_name
# A single value, analogous to its docker run counterpart.
working_dir: /code
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ju2wheels commented May 24, 2021

@djmarcus1 see the official documentation, use the long syntax form for volumes available with docker-compose v2.3 or later: . This reference file was more for v1 docker-compose format I believe, I wrote it a while ago.

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Thank you for the link.. but I'm still running into issues. I want to map "D:/MyFolder" (on my Windows machine) to "/MyFolder" in the Docker image.

docker-compose keeps complaining.

For the yml file below, this is the complaint I get:

ERROR: The Compose file '.\docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
Unsupported config option for services.volumes: 'D:/MyFolder'

I appreciate any quick help.

My yml file is:


        image: tselogger-2-3-0-6
        ports: [42949]
        command: -port 42949 -platform Production

        image: tseshard-2-3-0-6
        ports: [52949]
            - type: volume
              source: "D:/MyFolder"
              target: /MyFolder
                 nocopy: true
        command: -dataPath "/MyFolder/Data/DbCache" -platform Production -shardId 0 -shardsCount 2 -allMongoUpdates false -logger "" -shard0 "" -shard1 "" -loadENV "/MyFolder/Config.json"

        image: tseshard-2-3-0-6
        ports: [52950]
            - type: volume
              source: "D:/MyFolder"
              target: /MyFolder
                 nocopy: true
        command: -dataPath "/MyFolder/Data/DbCache" -platform Production -shardId 1 -shardsCount 2 -allMongoUpdates false -logger "" -shard0 "" -shard1 "" -loadENV "/MyFolder/Config.json"

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@djmarcus1 that seems like its Docker for Windows related nonsense for sharing drives whether its Hyperv or WSL, see doc here: . I cant answer further as I dont use Windows as at all so ive never run into this issue.

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Thank for your help... turns out the problem was the outer 'volumes:' had to be un-indented (start at the same column as 'services').

So basically, the error message provided no clue on how to remedy ..

This issue can be closed.

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