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Created March 29, 2017 20:40
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Fabric example
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fabric.api import local, lcd, run # to run local commands.
from fabric.colors import red, blue
import time
# TODO: REFACTOR and clean methods!!!!!
# FABRIC Fabfile. <>
# This is the file to configure Fabric Python Library to admin tasks
# Use:
# fab <command>
# How to know the commands? :
# fab -l
# Info about command:
# fab -d <command>
SMS_Back_End_default_port = '8001' # api gateway microservice default port
SMS_Back_End_default_admin_port = '8083'
SMS_Front_End_default_port = '8080' # Web default port
SMS_Front_End_default_admin_port = '8082'
def run_back_end(ms=None):
Running SMS Back-End
# Run only scms (Students Control micro Service)
if ms == 'scms':
local('google_appengine/' +
' --port=8003 --host= --admin_port=8083 ' +
'SMS-Back-End/scms/scms.yaml &')
if ms == None:
print (red('### Running SMS Back-End in localhost in background. ###'))
print (red('Please look at the list below to know the microservices ports.'))
print (red('Note that default is apigms microservice.'))
' --port=' + SMS_Back_End_default_port +
' --host= --admin_port=' + SMS_Back_End_default_admin_port +
' SMS-Back-End/apigms/apigms.yaml '
'SMS-Back-End/tdbms/tdbms.yaml '
'SMS-Back-End/scms/scms.yaml &')
print (red('Thanks for your contribution!'))
def test(ms):
Tests task runner.
Execute the test over specific microservice (part of it of over all) or over entire system.
fab test:tdbms
fab test:scms -> Execute all test of this microservice.
fab test:scms.api -> Execute all test over the Api Rest
fab test:scms.api.marks -> Execute all test over the Marks segment of API
If something fail maybe it could be the pythonpath system.
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/.../StudentsManagementSystem/SMS-Back-End/dbms/dbapi"
# All [[ Teaching Data Base microService ]].
if ms == 'tdbms':
print (blue('## Runnig Teaching Daba Base microService entire Test Suite. ## '))
print (blue('## Runnig Teaching Daba Base microService dbapi library test. ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/dbms/dbapi"):
local("pytest test/ -vv")
print (blue('## Runnig Teaching Daba Base microService apiRest test. ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/dbms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv")
# Only the apiRest.
if ms == 'tdbms.api':
print (blue('## Runnig Teaching Daba Base microService apiRest test. ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/dbms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv")
# It fail yet:
if ms == 'tdbms.dbapi':
print (blue('## Runnig Teaching Daba Base microService dbapi library test. ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/dbms/dbapi"):
local("pytest test/ -vv")
# SCmS Testing Options #
# To run all test of this micro Service (use: fab test:scms).
if ms == 'scms':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService entire Test Suite. ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv")
# To run test over auxiliary functions (use: fab test:scms.aux).
if ms == 'scms.aux':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService API - aux functions TEST . ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
# To run test over all scms.api (use: fab test:scms.api).
if ms == 'scms.api':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService API TEST . ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
# To run test over scms.api associations segment (use: fab test:scms.api.associations).
if ms == 'scms.api.attendancecontrols':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService API - Attendance Controls segment TEST . ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
# To run test over scms.api marks segment (use: fab test:scms.api.marks).
if ms == 'scms.api.marks':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService API - Mark segment TEST . ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
# To run test over scms.api discipline notes segment (use: fab test:scms.api.disciplinarynotes).
if ms == 'scms.api.disciplinarynotes':
print (blue('## Runnig Students Control microService API - Disciplinary Notes segment TEST . ## '))
with lcd("SMS-Back-End/scms"):
local("pytest test/ -vv -s")
def doc(ms, open=False):
Doc generator.
Build the documentation to the micro service passed. By default the html doc isn't open.
fab doc:tdbms,open=yes
fab doc:apigms
fab doc:back-end
if ms in ['tdbms','scms','apigms']:
local('make -C SMS-Back-End/{}/docs html'.format(ms))
if open == 'yes':
local('firefox SMS-Back-End/{}/docs/build/html/index.html'.format(ms))
if ms == 'back-end':
local('make -C SMS-Back-End/docs html')
local('firefox SMS-Back-End/docs/build/html/index.html')
def clean():
# TODO: Refactor and translate this to spanish!
echo -e "\033[32m \n\t ### SMS, un proyecto de \033[35m ButterFlyDevs \033[32m ### \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[32m \n\t Gracias por contribuir \033[0m"
#Descargado el SDK de GAE
echo -e "\n\033[32m 0.1 Desinstalando unzip \033[0m\n"
sudo apt-get --purge -y remove unzip
echo -e "\n\033[32m 0.2 Desinstalando curl \033[0m\n"
sudo apt-get --purge -y remove curl
#Desinstalación de MySQL de forma desatendida.
echo -e "\n\033[31m 2. Desinstalando MySQL de forma desatendida \033[0m\n"
sudo apt-get update
#sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password root'
#sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password root'
sudo apt-get --purge -y mysql*
#Esto elimina todos los paquetes de mysql
#sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql*
#sudo apt-get autoremove
#sudo apt-get autoclean
echo -e "\033[31m"
echo "Desinstalación MySQL finalizada:"
#mysql --version
#Instalamos la librería de python
echo -e "\n\033[31m 3. Desinstalando la librería de python para mysql \033[0m\n"
sudo apt-get --purge -y remove python-mysqldb
#Instalando el gestor de paquetes de python.
echo -e "\n\033[31m 4. Instaladon el gestor de paquetes de python \033[0m\n"
sudo apt-get --purge -y remove python-pip
#Eliminando librerias de Pytrhon de los microservicios
rm -rf SMS-Back-End/microservicio1/lib/
rm -rf SMS-Back-End/microservicio2/lib/
rm -rf SMS-Back-End/sce/lib/
echo "Si alguno de los paquetes no se ha instalado correctamente por favor inténtelo manualmente. Para conocer más
información lea el fichero, la sección [Entorno de desarrollo]."
def run_dbms_api_test():
Run dbms api test
local('pytest -s SMS-Back-End/dbms/test')
def run_apigms_api_test():
Run apigms api test
local('pytest -s SMS-Back-End/apigms/test')
def run_front_end():
Run SMS Front-End in local.
print (red('### Running SMS Front-End in localhost in background. ###'))
print (red('Please look at the list below to know the microservice ports.'))
local('google_appengine/ '
' --port=' + SMS_Front_End_default_port +
' --host= --admin_port=' + SMS_Front_End_default_admin_port +
' SMS-Front-End/app.yaml &')
print (red('Thanks for your contribution!'))
def run_mysql():
Start mysql daemon.
print (red('### Running MySQL daemon. ###'))
local('sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start')
def data_provision(kind='Simple'):
from provisioner import example_data_provisioner
Run the data provisioning procedure using the APIGmS.
fab data_provision:kind='Simple'
if kind in ['Comlex', 'complex', 'C']: # Fill the system with example data.
if kind in ['Simple', 'simple', 'S']:
print 'yeah'
def requirements(ms=None):
Install all requirements for all or for some microservice.
Example of use:
fab requirements:ms=dbms
fab requirements # All system
def local_requirements():
local('sudo chmod +x')
local('sudo ./')
commands = [
'sudo apt-get install -y unzip',
'sudo apt-get install -y curl',
'sudo curl -O',
'sudo unzip',
'sudo rm',
'sudo curl -O',
'tar -xvzf google-cloud-sdk-146.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz',
'sudo ./google-cloud-sdk/',
'sudo rm google-cloud-sdk-146.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz',
'sudo apt-get install -y python-pip',
'sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev',
'sudo pip install -r requirements.txt ',
'mysql -u root -p\'root\' < SMS-Back-End/tdbms/dbapi/DBCreator.sql ',
'sudo apt-get install nodejs',
'sudo apt - get install npm',
'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node',
'sudo npm install -g bower'
'sudo apt-get install python-sphinx'
for command in commands:
available_options = ['tdbms', 'apigms', 'scms', 'uims', 'local']
if ms is not None:
if ms in available_options:
if ms in available_options[0:3]:
path = 'SMS-Back-End/' + ms + '/'
command = 'pip install -r ' + path + 'requirements.txt -t ' + path + 'lib/'
if ms == 'uims':
command = 'cd SMS-Front-End/app ; bower install'
if ms == 'local':
print ms + ' microservice doesn\'t exists.'
print 'The avilable options are: ' + str(available_options)
print 'Example of use: fab requirements:ms=dbms'
# The user want to install ALL REQUIREMENTS of the project.
# Welcome message
print (blue('\n\t#############################################################'))
print (blue('\t### Welcome to Students Managment System Develop Project! ###'))
print (blue('\t#############################################################\n'))
print (blue('We are going to install a lot of things that you need to work with it:'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
print (blue('\nCool! \n'
'Please if any installation fails try to do this manually, to do this take a look to the '
'requirements() function of to see details. \nIn any software have been installed '
'already their step will be skipped.\n'))
print (blue('##########################\n'
'## General requirements ##\n'
'Will be installed: \n'
' MySQL Server'
' curl'
' unzip'
' Google App Engine SDK v.1.9.30'
' Google Cloud SDK v.146.0.0'
' Python PIP'
' NodeJS'
' npm'
' bower'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
# Run local requirements.
print (blue('\n#####################################\n'
'## APIG microService Requirements ##\n'
'Will be installed the dependencies related in SMS-Back-End/apigms/requirements.txt \n'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
command = 'pip install -r SMS-Back-End/apigms/requirements.txt -t SMS-Back-End/apigms/lib/'
print (blue('\n#####################################\n'
'## TDB microService Requirements ##\n'
'Will be installed the dependencies related in SMS-Back-End/tdbms/requirements.txt \n'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
command = 'pip install -r SMS-Back-End/tdbms/requirements.txt -t SMS-Back-End/tdbms/lib/'
print (blue('\n#####################################\n'
'## SC microService Requirements ##\n'
'Will be installed the dependencies related in SMS-Back-End/scms/requirements.txt \n'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
command = 'pip install -r SMS-Back-End/scms/requirements.txt -t SMS-Back-End/scms/lib/'
print (blue('\n#######################################\n'
'## UI microService web Requirements ##\n'
'Will be installed the dependencies related in SMS-Front-End/app/bower.json \n'))
raw_input(red('Do you want to continue? \nPress [ENTER] or \'Crtl+C\' to exit: '))
command = 'cd SMS-Front-End/app ; bower install'
def run(provision=False, kind='Simple', run_test=False, test_section=None):
Run entire project, included MySQL daemon, SMS Front-End dev_server and Back-End dev_server.
Example of use:
fab run:provision=yes
run_mysql() # Run database engine
run_back_end() # Run all microservices in Back End
run_front_end() # Run Front End
if provision is True:
# More complex run action, runing also specific tests:
# Example: fab run:run_test=yes,test_section=scms.api.marks
if run_test and test_section:
def kill():
Kill all processes that is related with google dev servers.
print (red("Kill all processes that are related with google dev server."))
#local("kill -9 $(ps -aux | grep google | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -n -1)")
local("ps aux | grep appengine | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill")
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