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Created June 15, 2017 09:34
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# So, consider:
>>> class SomeClass:
... var = 'foo'
>>> x = SomeClass()
>>> x.var
>>> SomeClass.var
# So far so good. But *who* does `var` belong to? Well, as the name class-variable implies, it belongs to *the class*. This is obvious if we check the class namespace vs the instance namespace:
>>> x.__dict__
>>> SomeClass.__dict__
mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', 'var': 'foo', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'SomeClass' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'SomeClass' objects>, '__doc__': None})
# Now, what happens if we change `x.var`? Does `SomeClass.var` see that change?
>>> x.var = 'bar'
>>> SomeClass.var
>>> x.var
# And one final look at the namespaces makes it clear,
>>> x.__dict__
{'var': 'bar'}
>>> SomeClass.__dict__
mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', 'var': 'foo', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'SomeClass' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'SomeClass' objects>, '__doc__': None})
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